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(@12inchMeglaDik you got this one fam)

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(@12inchMeglaDik you got this one fam)

You and Pepa are getting ready for the festival today. Agustin, Tomas and your dad already left the house. your tia is still there since she isn't a fan of crowds. Pepa went to the bathroom while you are with your Tia in the kitchen.

"you want me to bring you back anything?" you ask

"win me a prize" she said smiling at you

"i'll get you the best prize" you said smiling

you and her hear a scream and sobbing from the bathroom. thunder can be sound. both you and your tia look at each other before running to the bathroom. you knock and can hear Pepa crying.

"mi vida it's me and Tia Cecilia" you said

you hear the door unlock. Pepa opens the door and clings on to you.

"t-the baby.. all the blood" she cries

your heart breaks knowing what she meant. Your Tia sees the blood and she knows.

"help her clean up and i can help check her over. " your tia said

she use to be a OBGYN, she helped your mom during her pregnancy with Tomas when she would visit. You help Pepa clean up while you both cry.

after she changes in some clothes she had at your house and your Tia and her go in your room alone. she ask you to wait and after she will get you. you sit in the kitchen and wait. you know everyone should be heading back with the weather. it might end up being a hurricane or worse.

after a while your tia comes out with a sad expression.

"you should get her home before it gets worse outside and stay with her. she's going to need you. i told her all the things she needs to do. .. also i'm sorry. " she said putting a hand on your shoulder

you nod kind of numb and go to Pepa. she hugs you instantly and you kiss the top of her head.

"let's get you home. i'll stay with you" you said

you both hurry to the madrigal house and Alma is there.

"Pepa what is wrong with you? you need to control yourself. today was suppose to be a fun day" Alma said

you ball up your fist. fuck the event you two lost a baby.

"leave me alone!"Pepa shouts

she runs to her room

"mi vida" you shout after her.

you run after her. you close the door behind you and she is sobbing in her bed. you go and lay with her.

"it's not fair! what did i do wrong?" she cries

you hold her and rub her back

"i was a bad mami" she said

"hey hey no. that's not what it was. sometimes this happens. i wish it didn't happen to us. our baby is in heaven with my mami and your papi. they are being grandparents in heaven until we meet our little one" you said trying to comfort her

she cries into your chest until you don't hear her anymore. you look down and see she fell asleep. you sigh and play with her hair. you let tears roll down your face.

how are you suppose to be the strong one when you hurt too? how could your baby be gone? you go and sit at Pepa's desk and get out some paper and just write. you need to get your feelings out some how since right now you are refusing to believe your baby is truly gone.

you hear Pepa mumbling things you can't make out and thunder going off. you rush to her side and hold her. you feel her body shaking. you kiss her head and just hold her until she calms down a bit. 

"i love you and our angel baby" you whisper

(okay i'm too sad to make this a long one )

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