37.Cam's gift

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you took Dolores and Camilo on a walk in the morning.  Camilo is holding your hand while Dolores is walking a bit ahead. it's become a morning ritual that you and Dolores take a walk and today Camilo wanted to join. you couldn't say no to the birthday boy.

"pa look" Camilo said

he runs after something then looks around confused.

"what happened Milo?" you ask

"i saw a lizard and now it's gone" he pouts

"It's still there. " Dolores said and walks over.

she walks over and points to a spot. you look and notice it.

"there's nothing there" Camilo said

you get down and pick up a chameleon.

"it's a chameleon. they can blend into their surrounds. " Dolores explains to her younger brother.

Camilo looks at it in amazement.

"want to hold it?" you ask

he nods his head and you help him hold it.

"this is so cool. can i keep it?" He ask

"no i'm sorry buddy. it belongs out here and if we take it home mami will freak.  remember when you brought in the frog and mami didn't like it?" you said

he sigh and puts it down.

"but it's my birthday" he said

"i know. maybe we ask mami and come back for it." you said

"okay" he said

"breakfast is almost ready" Dolores tells you.

you nod and pick up the young boy and hold her hand.

"papi I'm too old to hold your hand" Dolores said

"hey you are never too old to hold your papi's hand. " you said

instead you wrap an arm around her shoulder and she smiles at you. you kiss her cheek and you three head back to casita. 

"you guys took so long " Pepa said as she's in the front

you put Camilo down and he runs to Pepa.

"mami guess what" he says smiling

"what amor?" she asks

"i saw a chameleon. it changes to its surrounds to be safe" Camilo explained excitedly.

"oh really?" Pepa asks smiling

he nods his head.

"that's my new favorite animal." he said.

this gives you an idea and go up to Pepa.

"mi vida i'm going to miss breakfast. I'll be back soon. i'm doing a surprise for Milo" you whisper in her ear

"be back to help me prepare his ceremony " Pepa says stern to you

"of course" you smile

you kiss her gently which she melts in like always. she kisses back and you both smile as you pull away.

you hurry off to see Kelly's wife Lily if she can do a last minute gift for you.

"(y/n) hi" she said as you enter her shop.

"hey Lily how are you?" you ask

"i'm very well. todays the big day. Camilo gets his gift. " she said smiling

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