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you have your arm bandaged and in the morning you go to the Madrigal house. you knock and Bruno opens the door. he instantly attempts to push you but you don't budge

"you hurt my sister!" he shouts.

"what is with you madrigals and not letting me explain?" you said

you grab Bruno and make him look at you

"i didn't cheat. I fell and a girl tried to save me from falling but since she wasn't strong enough she went down with me. i told her i have a girlfriend. aka your sister the girl i love. " you said

you and Pepa haven't said i love you yet but you was planning on saying it yesterday. Bruno looks at you shock.

"swear?" he ask

"yes. i wouldn't lie about that" you said

"oh thank god... i didn't want to have to fight you. i'm not the fighting type. i'm built like a wet noodle. " Bruno said

you let him go.

"i wouldn't have fought back " you inform him

"Pepa's in her room. she didn't come down for breakfast so mami just let her be. " Bruno said

you nod and head upstairs. you take a deep breath and knock on the door.

"go away!" pepa shouts

"it's me.. it's (y/n) " you said

you hear foot steps and the door opens. Pepa looks a mess. her hair is everywhere and her eyes are red and puffy.

"come in. " she said quietly.

you come in and sit on her bed. she sits across from you.

"i'm sorry" you both say at the same time.

"wait it's my fault i didn't let you explain yourself. " Pepa says looking down

"it's my fault too. i should have been watching the time. i was late... Pepa i didn't cheat on you mi girasol. I was falling and she wanted to try to help by grabbing my arm. she wasn't strong enough to hold me up so she fell on top of me. i told her i have a girlfriend. Pepa.. i love you. " you said grabbing her hand

Pepa starts to cry.

"i love you too..  but you're going to hate me" Pepa said

"you shot lightning at me and i'm still here. i don't think i can hate you" you said

or so you thought.

"i.. i was mad and hurt because of what i thought you did... i.. (y/n) i'm so sorry" she said

"what did you do Pepa?" you ask concern

"i.. kissed felix" she said

in that moment it's like a switch goes off on you.

"you cheated on me!" you shout

"mi sol i'm so sorry. i was hurt. " she tried to explain

you stand up and she grabs your hand not wanting you to leave.

"did you like it? did you just kiss or did you have sex with him?" you ask trying not to cry

"no and no. I didn't like it and i didn't have sex with him. we just made out " she said

"so not just a little kiss. you didn't even give me a chance to explain and you do this to me!" you shout mad and tears start to rush down your face

Pepa cries and tries to hold you. you lightly push her away.

"go be with Felix" you spat and you rush out.

you run to the door and hear Pepa shouting for you to wait. you don't you run out of her house and just run into town.

you see Felix and rush over. you shove him and it takes him a second to process what's going on

"(y/n) " he said

you go to swing and he grabs your arm

"woah come down there " he said

"you kissed my girlfriend.. ex girlfriend.. oh whatever she is!" you shout mad

"she kissed me first" he said

"she cheated on me with you. i fucking love that girl " you said crying

Felix sigh and hugs you.

"dude she loves you too. she was just hurt and did something stupid. it was a one time thing.  sure you are upset and you are allowed to be. but you two need to talk. " he said.

you wipe your eyes and look at him.

"you really like her huh?" you ask

"i do but she loves you and i respect that. i didn't do anything with her other than kiss cause i realized i'll never be you. she doesn't want just anyone. she wants to be with the guy who the whole town could see is deeply in love with her. " Felix said

as much as you still want to punch him he has a point.

"thank you Felix... if anything ever happens to me i hope she goes with you. " you said.

you two bro hug and you head to the bridge to clear your thoughts. You love Pepa but can you forgive what she did? you sigh and pick a flower that's near you.

"okay flower. help me out. forgive her or not" you said

you pick the petals. forgive her. don't. forgive her. don't. forgive her. don't. forgive her. don't. forgive her.

you stare at the stem that's left.

"how do i even talk to her?" you say looking at the water.

"hey " you hear

you turn and see Pepa there

"i don't think anything i say can change what i did. I do love you. more than anything. I need to learn to talk about how i'm feeling. i'm just so use to having to push it so it doesn't affect the weather. " Pepa said

"Pepa.. i never once while dating you ever wanted you to hide your emotions. i would stand in a hurricane with you mi amor. You are allowed to have your feelings. don't try to push them away because you will explode. as long as i'm around you can feel any emotion and show it." you said and grab her hand

"so does this mean we aren't broken up?" she asks hopeful

"we are together but it's going to take a bit for me to get over what you did. " you said

she nods understanding.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now