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Your Tia has been staying over since it's close to Pepa's due date and you don't know if you two would be able to get to the doctor with the weather. Your tia said she's honored to the one that will deliver your baby.  Pepa has been in pain since yesterday but your Tia said she's only 2 cm dilated so no baby until she's 10.

You go into the living room to see Agustin, Julieta and Alma with little baby Isabela.

"hey" you said

"hey how's Pepa?" Julieta ask seeing that it's raining

"well she said it's my fault she's miserable since i gave her the baby and that my daughter is hurting her. other than that she's okay and just wants some chips" you said

"good luck when it's time to push.  Julieta broke my hand with how hard she squeezed" Agustin said

"I pray we don't have a hurricane " Bruno said walking in eating an arepa

"it will be okay. " you said

you walk over to Julieta and smile at Isabela

"hi my beautiful sobrina " you said

Isabela is fast asleep in Julietas arms.

"(y/n) !" you hear your tia shout

you hurry and rush upstairs. you hear the wind going crazy and rain heavy. you head in the room with your tia. you see Pepa crying because of the contractions.

"mi sol" she said

you rush to her side and kiss her head and hold her hand.

"i got you. everything is okay. this is all for our baby okay? you are so strong and beautiful right now" you said

You help her with her breathing like your Tia taught you. you are able to calm her down which calms the weather. It takes 2 hours but finally Dolores is born. a little cry is heard letting you know she's okay. A rainbow appears over Pepa's head when your Tia puts Dolores on her chest.

"hi baby it's mami" Pepa said

she kiss the baby's  head which instantly calms Dolores and she stops crying. you cry like a baby seeing your daughter for the first time and Pepa smiles at you.

"Dolores that's your papi crying. he's happy to see you" Pepa said and rubs Dolores on her back

"I have the two best girls in my life" you said with tears going down your face.

"you two are naming her after your mom?" your tia ask

you nod and you see the smile on her face. your tia was always so close with your mom. Your Tia helps Pepa breast feeds and makes sure Dolores can latch with no problem.

"I'll let you two enjoy time with her. I'll check back in a few hours. " your tia said

you both nod not taking your eyes off Dolores.

"I can't believe we have a baby" you said and move the hair that's on Dolores's forehead

"our beautiful girl. she has your papi's skin tone. " she said

you nod agreeing.

"i bet her hair is going to be really curly " you said

"yeah.. our perfect beautiful baby" Pepa said smiling at the baby girl.

"is this everything you wanted? an amazing husband and beautiful daughter?" you ask

"yes. i'm happy we have our little family of our own. come hold her " Pepa said smiling.

she gently hands you Dolores and you carefully hold her and smile down at her.

"i got the whole world in my hands" you said over joyed

you can say your dreams are complete. you have the woman of your dreams and a family with her. You vow to protect them both with your last breath. you hum as you gently rock Dolores.

"you look so happy" Pepa said yawning

"Im very happy. thank you for giving me this beautiful little girl" you said

"well i had some help" she said chuckling

"yes but you did all the hard work. you grew his in your stomach and had to deal with all the labor pains. get some rest. i will be the best protective Papi ever. " you said

Pepa agrees. you do skin to skin with Dolores and smile at how tiny she is. you look over at Pepa and she's fast asleep. you hear a light knock and Alma comes in quietly.

"i couldn't wait any longer" she said

she walks over and you smile at her.

"this is Dolores... Dolores your abuela came to see you" you said

Alma smiles big looking at you two.

"she is beautiful. i see some of Pepa in her already" Alma said

"i do too. you madrigal women have strong genes. " you said smiling

"that we do" she said

she is happy to meet her other grand daughter.

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