35.late night

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you are quietly working in your office and hear a little knock. you open the door and see Camilo there rubbing his eyes. he has his blanket in his hand.

"hey buddy it's late." you said and pick him up.

"papi cuddles" he said

you pick him up and sit with him. he yawns and cuddles into you.

"read please" yawns the curly haired boy

"oh but papi isn't done with this book yet" you said

"please" he said looking at you with his big green eyes

"oh okay" you agree

you smile as he cuddles into you.

"once there was a boy. his family told him he can be whoever he wanted to be. so he decided he wanted to be like his big sister. he followed the girl around. he tried to walk quietly like her but he saw a puddle and jumped in it. his sister yelped as she got wet. maybe he didn't want to be his sister. " you start to read

Camilo stares up to you with wonder in his eyes and you can't help but smile.

"so the next day he decided he wanted to be like his tio. he followed the man around and wore one of his tip's ruanas. it fit like a dress so he struggled to keep up. maybe he didn't want to be his too." you read as you play with the curls on Camilo's head.

he yawns and cuddles into you.

"the third day he decided he wanted to be like his papi. he loved his mami just like his papi so how hard could it be? he decided to write just like his papi does. his papi wasn't very happy the boy tried to write over his own work. the boy sighed not knowing who to be"

you chuckle as Camilo struggles to keep his eyes open and you figured out the end of this book.

"the boy's mami saw him sitting in front of the mirror making faces. she asked what he was doing. he simply told her trying to be someone. he explained how he tried to be like his sister, his tio and his papi. she sat next to him and told him she likes him the best. the boy who splashes in puddles and chases chickens. the boy who plays in his papi's shoes and cuddles with his mami. he smiled in the mirror and decided to be him." you said and wrote at the same time.

you look down and see Camilo sleeping with a little smile on his face. you slowly go to get up but you see hands you know so well come to pick up the sleeping boy.

"how long was you there?" you asked

"oh the whole time. I saw Camilo come in here. before i could say something I saw how cute you two was. " Pepa said smiling.

you smile at her and admire her beauty. her hair was loose and wild. she had a sleepy look on her face and her night gown was fitting her in all the right places.

"you look absolutely gorgeous" you tell your wife

"i look like i'm ready to go to bed after i tie my hair up." she said smiling at you

"oh but you are always gorgeous." you tell her.

she smiles.

"i'm going to go out Milo in his bed. Are you going to still be up?" she asks

"oh I'm just going to clean up real quick so my work area isn't a mess then join you in bed. " you inform her.

she nods and goes to put Camilo to bed. you can't help but watch her go. the sway of her hips let you know she knows you are watching. you chuckle to yourself and fix up all your papers to make sure it's in order. while you do that an idea crosses your mind. you always want to do something sweat for your wife and you just got the perfect idea.

you hurry to your room where Pepa is already there. she looks as if she's about to fall asleep.

"mi vida" you say as you climb into bed next to her.

"hm" she hums

"marry me again" you said looking at her

her eyes shoot open and she looks at you

"what?" she ask

"let's renew our vows. with the kids there. " you explain hopeful

you look at her hopeful and she jumps on you and kisses all over your face. you laugh and hold her. soon she stops and smiles at you.

"let's do it." you smile.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now