39.Christmas set up

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you and Agustin are helping Alma set up Casita for christmas. you two are putting up a tree and the kids all come over excited.

"papi papi can we write letters?" Camilo asked pulling on your sleeve

"si Milo. just let me and tio finish putting up the tree." You tell him.

The kids watch you both put it up. you get the big box of decorations and the kids hurry to get things out. you chuckle and see Pepa and Julieta come to watch. you go and hug Pepa from behind. she smiles and leans back on you. you kiss the side of her head.

"i have a early present for you." you whisper in her ear

"is it a gift you give me weekly?" she whispers back

you chuckle quietly and rub your nose against her neck.

"no it's something else. I'll give it to you after we write letters to santa with the kids." you tell her.

"fine." she looks at you.

"i love you." you whisper

"so tell the whole world" she said

"i just told my world." you smile

she blushes and faces you. she pecks your lips making you smile.

"mami help!" Camilo calls out

she turns and sees he's trying to put up an ornament. she goes and helps him. you watch them smiling.

after the kids decorate the tree it's time for letters. Dolores is sitting with Camilo trying to help him.

"i don't want you to know what i'm asking for" you hear him tell her.

"and why's that?" she crosses her arms

"because i don't want to hurt your feelings. i love you" he said smiling.

she rolls his eyes. Camilo runs to you and Pepa who are sitting on the floor near the kids.

"papi help me. write something for me" he said.

you pull him on your lap and hold his letter.

"okay what am i adding?" you ask

"you can tell Santa i have a sister but i want a little brother " he whispers in your ear.

"you sure?" you ask

he nods and you look at pepa before writing it for him.

"thank you pa" he smiles and kisses your cheek.

you smile sadly as you watch him run off.

"what did he want?" Pepa ask

"a little brother" you said

you see Pepa look away. you know more kids is a touchy subject for her. if it was up to her you are sure you'd have 5 babies.

"come with me" you tell her.

you help her up and pull her up to your room.

"what are we doing mi sol?" she asks

you go under the bed and pull out a box.

"open it"you said

she looks at you then opens it. inside is a yellow weighted blanket. she smiles and pecks your lips.

"that's to help you if ever i'm not around and there's something else in there. " you tell her

she looks inside and smiles at the jewelry box. she takes it out and it's a necklace with both Camilo and Dolores' birth stones on it.

"i love it and i love you." she said

"i love you more" you said smiling.

she hugs you and you hug her back.

"you are amazing. you know that?" she ask

"every time you tell me. so please don't ever stop telling me" you said.

she pecks your lips.

"you're amazing " she whispers

you can't help but smile.

"i do want to say thank you. you are doing a good job helping me through the holidays. i don't want to admit it but Christmas without... you know, it's hard. " she admits

"of course. i miss him too. i hate that we are all pretending like everything is fine" you said and pull Pepa on your lap.

she sighs and puts her head on your shoulder. you play with her hair.

"how about we go play with the kids?" you ask

she nods and you smile. you go downstairs and get all the kids to sit down. you all play board games. this is one of those days where Alma locks herself in her room so she's not around.

Julieta is curled up on Agustin's side on the couch. you are on the floor with your back against the couch while you are between Pepa's legs as she sits on the couch and plays with your hair. you are intensely trying to beat the kids in a board game.

"mi amor take it easy on them." Pepa said

"Mi Girasol this is how you build character "you said

you end up losing and you cross your arms. you get up and sit on the couch.

"they cheated. i know it. " you mumble

"it's okay it builds character" Agustin said

you hit his arm. he sticks his tongue out at you.

"i hope you bite your tongue" you tell him.

"boys settle down" Julieta said

"mi amor he started it." Agustin said

you roll your eyes. you all end up having hot chocolate and relaxing.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now