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you are doing your usual job when there's going to be a storm. you guide the towns people inside their homes. today you are going to go through the woods to make sure nobody is still there. Camilo decided he wants to help you. you thought he was old enough.  10 years old he's almost a teen.

"papi this is so cool. Maybe i'm going to have to shift into you to help lift something" Camilo said before shifting into you

you laugh as he flexes as you.

"you are funny" you say.

he shifts back to himself and smiles at you. you two go deep in the woods and you swear you hear a baby cry.

you look around kind of confused.

"hello is anyone lost !?" you shout

Camilo looks around and soon stops at a bush

"papi a baby" he said shocked

you rush over and see a baby wrapped in a blanket. you pick the baby up and see he doesn't have clothes on under and must have just been born since he still has his umbilical cord clamped on him. you find a note and hold on to it.

"oh no. he looks dehydrated like he's been here a while" you said.

you hold the baby as he starts to struggle to cry and tell camilo to hurry up.

"Dolores try to find baby formula. we found a baby" you hope your daughter hears.

you two rush to casita as fast as you two can. when you two get inside it starts to pour. thankfully you beat the storm. the baby looks really weak.

"pa here " Dolores said rushing over with a bottle.

you thank her and feed the baby. he slowly drinks it. it seems as if he's slowing getting his strength back.

"where's mami?" Camilo ask

"in her room. you know she has to concentrate on the weather. " Dolores said.

Dolores walks over and sits with you.

"who would leave a baby outside?" she asks

"i don't know" you said

you burp the baby and then think of when you should read the note that was with him. Julieta comes over to check the baby and lets you know he should be fine after some feedings. she tells you to do skin to skin since it seems he didn't have any form of connection. you take off your shirt and do skin to skin with the baby. you cover you both with a blanket so he can keep some warmth. you take out the note and read it.

I hope someone finds him alive. His birthday is may 21st at 1:27 pm. I am not able to keep him and I hid my pregnancy. I can't care for him.  please keep him safe. Hopefully one day he can forgive me. I am long gone by now, maybe i can come back one day. He doesn't have a name so please give him one. I'm sorry.

This upsets you so much. He was born today. he could have been left at the church of all places. Dolores comes over with a box of clothes that was once Camilos. you dress him in pajamas and just cuddle with him. Dolores and Camilo can't help but come over. soon the other kids come over to see the baby. you fear they will get attached because you know you already are. Alma comes downstairs.

"(y/n).. why do you have a baby?" she asks confused.

"he was abandoned out in the woods. " you said.

"so we have a monster in our community. this will not do. " Alma said clearly angry.

the baby whines a bit.

"he doesn't like anger Abuela" Isabela said while holding the baby's little hand.

"i'm sorry little one." abuela said looking at the little baby.

she couldn't help but smile at the small boy.

"he likes papi" Camilo said

"we will find him a good home maybe tomorrow" Alma said

you spend a few hours with the baby before Pepa comes down. you know it's draining when she has to make the weather bad. you already have her tea ready and on the table.

"mi sol.. "she starts but stops when she sees you with a baby

she sits by you and you smile.

"who's this?" she ask smiling.

"he doesn't have a name. he was abandon in the woods" you tell her

a cloud instantly goes over her head.

"before the storm. he could have died" she said

Camilo tries to shoo the cloud.

"clear skies clear skies. " you said

Pepa takes a deep breath and tries to calm down. you place him in her arms. she smiles big and the baby lets out a little yawn.

"you know he looks like he'd have an A name" you said looking at the baby.

"yeah he does." Pepa said

"Antonio " Camilo said

"what?" you ask

"Antonio.. he looks like an Antonio" Camilo said

"hi Antonio" Pepa said

you look at Pepa and how she is smiling at the baby. you know your wife and son have already decided in their head they want to keep the baby, Antonio.

after a while all the kids are in bed and it's just the adults up. you are all sitting down enjoying the silence. Pepa is holding Antonio, she hasn't put him down.

"so in the morning we can give him to pastor Enrique to find him a home" Alma states

Pepa's head shoots up from staring at Antonio.

"I think Antonio will be good here" Pepa said

"Pepa you named him? you got attached already?" Alma asked

"actually Camilo named him... think about it Mami it will mean another gift ceremony. I bet (y/n) agrees and fell for him as well" Pepa said and looks at you.

"I did fall for the kid, I think he's a good fit for the family. " you admit

Alma thinks and she has a look on her face. she thinks she can save the miracle with this child. the last one went horribly wrong, maybe God sent this child as a chance to fix everything.

"yes.. this is actually perfect. he will be part of the family. Pepa (y/n) welcome your new son. " Alma said and eyes the candle

the candle burns brighter as the family welcomes a new addition, little Antonio Madrigal. Alma smiles as she can feel the magic strengthen a bit.

You and Pepa take little Antonio into your room for the night. you both have a lot of skin to skin and attention you will need to give this little guy since he didn't get any at birth.

"he's so precious " Pepa said as she watches him sleep in the bassinet near your bed.

"yeah he is" you smile.

"sometimes everything happens for a reason.. maybe we was meant to be his parents. i just wish he wasn't abandon" Pepa said and pushes some hair from Antonio's forehead

you nod in agreement.

"yeah but now he's safe and loved by us." you said

"our fourth angel" she said thinking of your first baby that's in heaven.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now