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you haven't seen pepa in a few days. you know it hurts her since Agustin has been going over to see Julieta. you been keeping yourself busy with work. you just are having a hard time right now missing your mom more than usual.

"finally " you mumble as the market is closing down.

you make sure you grab everything and drop stuff off at home. you grab a bag you have hidden in your room and try to leave the house without being noticed

"where are you off to?" you hear behind you

you turn and see your dad holding your brother.

"oh just going to see Pepa" you lied

" oh are you having dinner over there?" he asks

you nod since you don't trust your voice. he tells you to be safe and you hurry out. you sigh in relief and walk to a bench and sit down. you take a beer out the bag and start drinking.

after your 3rd beer you see someone walk over

"this seat taken?"Kelly ask

"nope" you said and take a sip of your beer feeling a bit drunk already

she sits with you

"are you okay?" she ask

"i've been better. just grieving " you said

"i also lost my mom... she died when i was born. " she tells you

"i'm sorry for your loss" you said

"it's a guilt i live with. i'm sorry about your loss. it was more recent. " she said

you nod and finish off another beer. after a while of talking and drinking it's clear your a drunk mess.

"how about we go back to my place?" kelly said

you groan holding your head. Kelly helps you up and to her house. what you didn't see was a certain curly haired man watching , one who likes your girlfriend.

Pepa is currently sitting in the kitchen with Julieta, Agustin and Bruno. she hasn't been feeling well lately and she's also been upset since she hasn't seen you.

"still feeling nauseous?" Julieta ask her sister

Pepa nods and Julieta passes her a smoothie she made her. Pepa smiles small thanking her sister. there is a knock at the door. 

"i got it" Bruno said and goes to the door.

soon Bruno walks into the kitchen with Felix who has a worried look on his face

"hey Felix you okay?" Agustin said

"uh not really.. Pepa can I speak to you.. in private?" he ask

"Felix if i get up i might puke " Pepa said

"it's important please" He says

Pepa groans and stands up. she follows him into the courtyard.

"what is going on?" she ask leaning against the wall

"it's about (y/n).." he said not knowing how to break it to the girl

"what about him?did he get hurt?" she ask concern

even though she's not feeling so good she would go help you if needed.

"no.. well maybe he will be after i tell you something." he said

"talk. what's going on?" Pepa said not having the patience since she feels like she's about to vomit

"he was sitting with Kelly. He looked a bit drunk and i heard her ask him to go back to her place and they went" Felix explained

Pepa feels a lot of emotions at once.

"are you-" Felix starts

he's cut off by Pepa vomiting all over his shoes

"oh my gosh i'm so sorry" Pepa said before vomiting again

"Julieta!" Felix shouts.

the trio from the kitchen runs out. Bruno is the first one to go to his sister and hug her. he doesn't care she puked. he hugs her as she cries. no matter how much Bruno and Pepa argue they love each other so much.

"i got the puke. help Pepa  " Agustin said

"thank you" Julieta said and kisses his cheek.

the triplets head upstairs and Agustin and Felix clean up the vomit.

"you know your friend has a lot to explain" Felix said

"and why's that?" Agustin said

he is ready to defend you no matter what

"he's cheating on Pepa" Felix said as if it's a fact

"what? he would never. did you tell Pepa that lie?" Agustin said getting mad

"it's not a lie. he was sitting there flirting with Kelly then he goes to her house with her. drunk might i add" Felix said crossing his arms trying to defend Pepa.

"you must have gotten things confused. he would never. " Agustin said

Felix rolls his eyes.

"i hope you aren't like him" Felix said then leaves

Agustin is now confused. does he stay to try to get answers on how Pepa is feeling or go to find you ?

"i got you amigo " Agustin mumbles

he goes upstairs and before he could knock he hears the triplets talking.

"what if it's positive?" Pepa ask

"then i get to be an uncle" Bruno said

"we figure that out and none of us mention this to mami or anyone else. not until we have a plan. " Julieta says

Agustin backs up from the door and because he's a klutz he trips and tries to grab on to a hall table bring it down with him. Julieta and Bruno comes out to see him. they look at each other than drag Agustin into the room.

"what did you hear?" Pepa ask with a big cloud

"uh.." Agustin says

"i wouldn't lie to her when she's like this" Bruno whispers knowing his sister

"that you might be pregnant" he said kind of scared of the red head in this moment

"not a word Agustin to (y/n)" Julieta said

"Juli.. he's my best friend and God brother" Agustin said

"and a cheater. " Pepa said before going to the bathroom

"please amor for me. don't say a word" Julieta said holding Agustin cheek while looking into his eyes

".. fine. But it has to come from her mouth. i'm not holding this forever. " Agustin said

"only if it's positive " Julieta said

there is a sob from the bathroom and they all look at each other

"i knew it.. i saw it. " Bruno said.

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