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Your aunt, dad's sister,  came to visit and has been over for 2 months now. she is helping with your brother. you work hard at the stand. you haven't really had time to yourself. You watch Pepa when she comes into town and you two would talk a bit when you see her. she made you smile a lot.

"okay go on and have a day off" your dad said walking to the stand

"but-" you start

"no buts... plus how else would you get to ask Pepa out? you don't want another guy beating you to it" your dad said glancing at the redhead

you look and you can see Felix next to her. she laughs at something he said. you clench your fist without noticing. you thank your dad before heading over.

"uh excuse me " you said

they both look over and Pepa has a wide smile on her face.

"(y/n) hey." pepa said and hugs you

you hug back smiling.

"am i interrupting something?" you ask

"well" Felix starts

"nope.. is there something you needed?" Pepa said excited to see you.

"i was actually going to ask you.. if you wanted to hang out tonight. like on a date"you said

Felix's heart sinks since he was going to ask Pepa before you came over.

"yes of course.. pick me up at 5" Pepa kisses your cheek and hurries off

you smile big and watch her.

"have a good date " Felix said with a fake smile

he walks off and you excitedly start getting things to get ready for the date. You ask Alma for permission to set up the date near casita and she agrees happy her daughter is going on her first date.

you are looking at candles in the store

"those are going to catch fire and ruin your date. you have better luck with lanterns. " you hear behind you

you turn and see Bruno.

"how'd you... your gift" you said

he nods. you put the candles down and look at the lanterns.

"did Pepa ask you to look?" you ask

"no i looked because i heard you both had a date. i just wanted to make sure Pepa didn't ruin it with you. from all the guys here in town you are the best one for her... and i at least like you. " Bruno said

you smile happy Bruno at least supports your relationship with his sister.

"i won't hurt her" you promise

"oh i know. I saw further in your future " he said and walked off

"bruno.. wait! " you said waiting to know more

you pay for the lanterns but he's already gone. you sigh and get your stuff together. you buy some dessert from the bakery and go home. you ask your tia to help you make a meal and she does. more like she makes you hold your brother while she makes it.

"you know i can help" you said

"you are helping.. by holding your brother" she said and gives you a smile.

you look down at your brother as he's fast asleep in your arms. you smile and sit down holding him. You hear the door and look and see your dad come in.

"my two favorite boys. " he kisses your brothers head and ruffles your hair.

He takes your brother from you and tells you to get ready. you agree and get changed. you even put on some cologne for good measures and fix your hair. you take a deep breath and walk out.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now