38.Brunos gone

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you have been not home lately. you been working on books and just having a hard time lately. your mind has been going to your mom a lot and you don't talk about it. you been sleeping in your office alot. tonight You go by Bruno's room and knock. like usual no answer. you just hope he's back since he disappeared a week ago after mirabel's failed ceremony.

"uh hey B... i haven't seen you in a couple days. i hope you are in there... Um i was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a walk or something. " you said

you wait and no answer.  you sigh and lay a hand on the door.

"he's gone you know" you hear behind you

you turn and see Pepa

"i..." is all you can say

you know Bruno left. you just hope everyday he just came back and hid in his room.

"he left us, just like you. " Pepa said

you realize she's drunk.

"pepi... you're drunk mi vida" you said

"whatever " she said

"let's get you in bed" you said and walk to her.

you grab her hand and she pulls away

"why don't you leave me alone" she said

"Pepa what's gotten into you?" you ask

"oh please we all act like things are perfect and it's not. everyone leaves eventually. why don't i make it easier... divorce me. you already sleep in your office. " she slurs

you are taken aback. you realized you fucked up big time.

"pepa please" you said

"no. lately you been locked away in your office. then you pretend like you didn't notice bruno left but here i see you at his door. we haven't cuddled in weeks and i know you are getting tired of me!" she shouts

"shhh everyone is sleeping" you tell her.

you throw her over your shoulder and she hits you repeatedly on the back.

"put me down" she orders

you ignore her and take her to your room. you close the door and drop her on the bed.

"i don't..." she starts to say

you crash your lips on hers to shut her up. she instantly kisses back. she drunkenly kisses you and you pull away.

"i love you Pepa. i don't like seeing you like this. look we can talk when you are sober okay?" you said

you push the hair out her face. she starts messing with your belt and you move her hands.

"you don't love me?" she ask tearing up

"hey i do. i am just not going to do anything with you drunk "you said

you lay with her and she lays her head on you.

"i'm sorry... i'm scared to lose you too" she whispers.

"i'm sorry i made you feel like that. " you say

you kiss her head and rub her back until she falls asleep. you sigh knowing you messed up. you are pushing away your family when they need you. you know you need to be a better man. you quietly get out of bed and sit in the front. you hear the door open and see Dolores with a blanket wrapped around her.

"papi" she said

"hey what are you doing up Lola?" you ask

she sits by you and you wrap an arm around her.

"are you and mami divorcing?" she asked

"what? no of course not.I just haven't been feeling good mentally but I haven't talked about my feelings which is bad. i'm sorry i haven't been around like i should. " you tell her.

"mami misses Tio a lot. she blames herself for him leaving. they had a fight earlier that day. she's sad you haven't been around. i know why... i hear you at Abuela's grave every day. " Dolores explains.

you just hug your daughter and she hugs back.

"i'm going to do better for your mami. I never want to hurt her." you mumble

Dolores kisses your cheek.

"you better get to bed it's late" you tell your daughter

"good night papi i love you " Dolores said

"i love you more" you said smiling

you watch her go inside and sigh. you take a moment to enjoy the outside before going back to lay with your wife.

You end up waking up before Pepa and just pull her close. you hear her groan and look at her. her beautiful green eyes soon stare back at you.

"hey" you said low

"hi" she said frowning

"i'm sorry. I know my words won't change anything. I should talk to you about how i feel and not just hide away. i never was good at talking about my depression. " you try to explain

"Oh mi sol i promised to love and be by your side no matter what. i know you have to always be the strong one but let me be the strong one for once. " Pepa said and sit up

"Pepa i know i don't deserve you. you are perfect in my eyes. You always been. I will do better at letting you in. I promise. " you said and hold her hands

"that's all i ask. I want you to try. I don't want our problems to push us away from one another " Pepa said

you nod agreeing with her. you peck her lips.

"let me get you breakfast. stay in bed. today is all about you. " you tell her

"i like the sound of that" Pepa said smiling

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now