6.messing up

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You are helping around town when a girl approaches you.

"hi i'm Kelly.. my family just moved here and i was wondering if you can show me around? i haven't met anyone else my age. sorry if this is weird " she said twirling her hair a bit

"oh sure. i don't mind. I do have an hour to spare" you said smiling

Pepa wanted you to help her study today. Alma was busy helping the new family settle and you knew Julieta would be in town as usual.

you show her around and make jokes. looks like you made a new friend. she smiles and tells you about her home before. you lose track of time and don't realize it's been an hour already.

"yeah so i run the produce stand.." you start to explain

you trip and before you fall Kelly tries to grab your hand to help but you fall on your back taking her down with you. she lands on top of you. she stares into your eyes blushing.

"i uh have a girlfriend " you say

you hear thunder and your eyes widen. Kelly gets off you and you see Pepa.

"mi vida wait" you start to say

Pepa stomps off and it starts to rain. you of course follow the redhead.

"pepa can you let me explain what happened!?" you shout over the thunder

"why don't you talk to that puta that was all over you!"

"Pepi.. " you try to get closer

then a lightning bolt hits you in the arm. you groan in pain and hold your arm

"amor" Pepa said scared

it pours hard.

"no it's okay" you step closer

"get away! i... it's over" Pepa said

she runs off leaving you confused as you watch her while it's pouring hard.you chase after her not wanting to lose her.

"pepa please!" you try shouting over the rain and thunder.

she slams the front door and you can hear her lean against it and crying.

"Pepa open the door please! Pepa open the door! Pepa can we not fight anymore please! i'm sure your scared but we need to talk. " you beg

she doesn't open the door so you are forced to get ready to leave. you see Julieta coming with an umbrella. she noticed your short sleeve is burnt.

"(y/n) what happened?" she ask

"oh just a misunderstanding with Pepa. i'm fine. I'll just be back tomorow " you said and then sneeze.

great you are going to get a cold. you hurry away before Julieta can ask anything. she sighs and goes inside. she can hear Pepa crying. she rushes to her sister who's curled up by the stairs crying.

"pepa.. what's wrong?" Julieta ask sitting down next to her and wrapping an arm around her

"he cheated on me. another girl was on top of him " Pepa said while crying.

Julieta hugs her sister. she can't believe you cheated on Pepa. Julieta helps Pepa to her room and Bruno comes in wondering what the weather is about.

"Pep what's going on?" he ask

"he cheated! i hope you are happy " she shouts out her brother

he instantly feels bad. he didn't want your relationship to have problems. he just likes to bother Pepa.

"i'm going to kill him" Bruno said upset

he doesn't like anyone hurting his sisters. yeah they usually stick up for him and if he fights you he'll lose but he gotta try and protect his sister.

" no you aren't. he can kill you with a single punch if he wanted " Julieta tells the boy

Bruno just leaves the room. Julieta sighs.

"i'll be right back" she tells Pepa before running after Bruno.

Pepa cuddles with her stuff bear. there is a knock on her door and she looks up and there stands Felix.

"hey mind if i come in? i heard from a buddy about what happened in town. " he ask

"sure" Pepa said.

Felix comes in and closes the door. he sits on her bed next to her.

"need a hug?" he ask

Pepa nods and they hug. Pepa calms down a bit. she's lucky to have a friend like Felix. then an idea comes into her mind. she's going to hurt you the way you hurt her. she knows of Felix obvious crush on her.

she pulls away from the hug and look into Felix's eyes. he smiles at her. Pepa leans in and kisses him. Felix is shocked at first but kisses back the girl he is crushing on. it gets more heated and Pepa puts his hand on her breast.

"wait are you sure?" Felix ask pulling away

"yes. please help my hurt. " Pepa ask fluttering her eye lashes

Felix starts kissing her neck and she lets out a little moan. Pepa closes her eyes and she can't help but think of you. he squeezes her breast

"(y/n)" she moans not realizing it

But Felix heard it and some sense comes to him. he pulls away and stands up.

"i.. i can't. you shouldn't. you love (y/n) and i'm sure he loves you too" Felix says

"he cheated on me!" pepa shouts

"did he? i only heard he fell and the girl fell on him. did they kiss?" Felix ask

Pepa realized she didn't see any kiss. just a girl on top of you. should she have let you talk? God is she an idiot.

"i fucked up" she whispers.

"i'll see you later Pepa. " Felix said leaving the girl to her thoughts.

(you ended up with a lightning scar like this)

(you ended up with a lightning scar like this)

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