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"hey mi vida.. I was wondering if maybe we can have a picnic" you said

"I don't know we have stuff to do" Pepa said

"oh come on.. think about it. us and our beautiful kids outside getting sunshine and enjoying the day" you said

"hm.. i guess we can" she agrees

"prefect because i already packed a picnic basket" you smirk

"how'd you know I'd even say yes?" she asks crossing her arms

you pull her close to you by her waist and smile at her.

"because I'm your amazing husband and it's hard for you to say no to me" you tell her

she chuckled and nods.

"you know me so well mi sol" she said and wraps her arms around the back of your neck

"I love you"

"i love you more my amazing husband. " she pecks your lips.

"I'm going to go get Milo ready" you said

"I already did it" You two hear behind you.

you turn and see Dolores smiling at you two holding 3 years old Camilo's hand. she is the best big sister at 10 years old.

"thank you Lola that was very responsible of you." Pepa said

she kisses Dolores cheek and then Camilo's.

"mami up please" Camilo said putting his arms up

"hey you can walk" she tries to tell him

he pouts and sits on the floor with his arms cross.

"Camilo" you say stern

"mami carry me " he says ignoring you

"camilo you can hold my hand now get up" Pepa tells him.

Camilo starts to cry and Dolores covers her ears. Pepa quickly picks him up. she hates any of her kids upset and she knows Camilo crying hurts Dolores ears. Camilo calms down and lays his head on Pepa's shoulder while he plays with her earrings.

"he's a brat" Dolores says

"hey that's not nice." you tell her

"you would do the same to your papi. cry and he'd carry you" Pepa said

"let's just go" you said

you four head out to the woods. you and Pepa set up the picnic. you watch Camilo run over and hug Dolores.

"ugh i can never be mad with you" Dolores says and kisses his cheek

you smile at them. you and Camilo go looking for bugs.

"papi! lizard" Camilo said

you see him go after a Lizard and you smile.

"let me help you" you said

you go around and find it and hold it. Camilo giggles looking at it. you two take it back to where Dolores and Pepa is.

"look what we found " you said and show off the lizard.

Dolores clings to Pepa.

"eww " Dolores said

"it's cool" Camilo said taking it from you.

"take that from him (y/n)" Pepa said scared

you chuckle and take the lizard. pepa grabs Camilo and hold him close.

"it's just a lizard mi vida " you said

"I'm not into reptiles.. or any small animals. i don't even like Bruno's rats that crawl along his back. " Pepa said and shiver at the end

you put the lizard on a near by tree. Pepa kisses your cheek making you smile.

you all eat and start joking around.  you dance with Dolores to no music and then Camilo joins in. Pepa watches the three of you and just smiles. she loves watching you with the kids so much.

she packs everything up and soon tell you three it's time to go.

"but mami we are having fun" Dolores whines

"i know but we have to head home before it gets late." Pepa tells her oldest

Dolores sighs and agrees. you carry Camilo and wrap your arm around Pepa's waist. you kiss the top of her head and she smiles at you.

"i love you mi girasol" you tell her

"i love you way more" she tells you

Dolores can't help but smile at you two. she hopes to have the same love one day. you all walk home and you see Camilo fall asleep in your arms.

"mami.. papi.. can we have days like this all the time? it makes me feel normal for once. " Dolores ask

"we will see" Pepa said not wanting to promise.

you get both kids home and in bed. Pepa wanted a few more minutes in the nursery with Camilo so you waited in the room. you changed into your pajamas and laid down. just as you are about to doze off she comes in.

"mi vida..." she starts

"yes?" you say and sit up

you watch her as she changes.

"i was thinking..." she starts and pauses.

she looks to make sure you are paying attention.

"do you think.. oh it's stupid. " she sighs.

"hey come here you sexy little thing" you say and open your arms

she can't help but smile and roll her eyes. she walks over and you pull her on top of you. she looks at you with those enchanting green eyes of hers.

"you can tell me anything" you promise and peck her lips.

"what if we just left" she finally says

"what do you mean?" you ask confused

"leave town. just go. have days like we did today. maybe... maybe it will save Camilo since we didn't save Dolores from the gift. " Pepa explains.

"is that what you want?" you ask and push her hair out her face.

"i... oh i don't know. as Camilo gets older I get more scared of what would happen at his gift ceremony" she admits

"well... let's take it one day at a time then if you still want to we go. I will follow you to the end of the earth and you know that " you tell her with a smile.

"God i love you. you always know what to say." she says smiling at you

"i love you more. every inch of you." you said as you start kissing her neck.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now