12. unexpected sleep over

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you yawn and wake up. you look around confused you aren't in your room. you realize something, you are cuddling with Pepa in her room. your eyes widen if Señora Madrigal found you in her daughter's room in just your boxers you'd be dead. you quickly and carefully let go of Pepa. you find your clothes and get dress.

"shit " you whisper knowing it's a school day.

you look for your shoes and hear Pepa groan. her beautiful green eyes open and she looks over at you. she looks at the clock and has the same "oh shit" expression on her face.

"your shoes are under my bed" she whispers.

you find them and hurry to put them on. casita moves the tiles as if to warn you and moves the floor boards to put you in the closet. you quietly thank the house.

"Pepa are you up?"you hear Alma's voice.

"si mami. i'm getting ready" she said

"okay. (y/n) is picking you up this morning?" she ask like she always does

"si mami" she said

"okay i'll make him a plate for breakfast. " Alma said

"oh uh actually i'm going to get to school early so we doesn't need breakfast today" Pepa said

"no you two will eat" Alma said then leaves the room.

Pepa opens the closet sighing in relief.

"oh my god I had to hide my neck from her. " Pepa said pointing to the hickeys

"i'm sorry. i didn't mean to" you said blushing

"i'm going to put makeup to cover it" she said

she helps you sneak out her window with casitas help.

you sigh in relief and go around without being seen. gotta pretend you just got there. you knock and Alma opens the door.

"(y/n) you are early. " she smiles

"si señora madrigal. i got up early since Pepa wanted to get to school earlier. " you smile

"well i told her you two need to eat. now come in. you might want to go fix your hair.. looks like you just woke up. " she said.

you nod.

"i'll ask Pepa to borrow her brush" you said

"good idea" she heads to the kitchen.

you go to Pepa's room and knock

"mi vida it's me." you said

Pepa opens the door while she applying makeup. you go inside her room and fix your hair.

"your mami told me to fix my hair. looked like i just woke up" you said then chuckle.

Pepa smiles and rolls her eyes.

"wish i woke up next to you" she winks

you smile and sit on her bed watching her finish her makeup to hide the hickeys.

"you are lucky i had enough makeup to hide it. you made them so dark" Pepa said

"well it will remind you that you're mine" you said

Pepa smacks your arm.

"i hope Agustin covered for you last night" Pepa said

"im pretty sure he did. he always has my back " you said smiling.

after Pepa's done you two go downstairs and have breakfast. after you drop her off to school.

"see you tomorrow. remember i have family night. " you said reminding her

"see you tomorrow. I love you" Pepa said

"i love you more " you said then kiss her

she kisses back and you pull her close. you smirk when you see some boys you know have a crush on her looking. you pull away and kiss her cheek.

"miss you already " Pepa said

you smile and head home. you take a quick shower when you get there and head to your room. after you change Agustin comes in

"fun night?" he ask

"you know it. " you said

"How did her mom not catch you?" he ask

"Pepa locks her door at night and her mami came home late since she was playing dominoes with some people in town." you tell him

"well you didn't come home do i couldn't tell you some news i have" he said and sit on your bed as you are tying your boots

"what's up?" you ask

"Julieta agreed to going on a date with me on saturday " he said with a big smile

you smile at him and hug him.

"i'm happy for you man. imagine we end up marrying them" you said smiling

"now that would be a dream" Agustin said

"well what do you plan on doing?" you ask

"take her to the diner in town then go for a walk" he said smiling

"sounds fun.. don't mess with any bees" you said

"hey i will be extra careful. " he said

"okay okay i believe you. now come on we got work to do" you said heading to your door.

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