34.relationship like ours

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you are going to give Dolores some books she needed for school when you hear her and pepa talking.

"oh but you like him?" Pepa asked

"i don't know... how'd you know you liked papi?" Dolores asks

you stop and press your ear to the door to listen.

"well at first it was just from afar i'd see him. i thought he was really cute. then i saw how he interacted with people and liked his personality. he was so caring toward your abuela Dolores. he made sure she had help with the fruit and vegetable stand they owned. a way a man treats his mother shows a lot about the kind of man he is. so I got to know him and started liking him. he would get nervous around me and didn't care if i made it rain. he likes me for me. " Pepa said smiling thinking of you.

"i want to be with someone like papi. someone creative and nice. " Dolores said smiling

you walk in.

"hello my beautiful girls." you greet

you kiss them both on the head.

"papi how did you know you was in love with mami?" Dolores ask.

"well this isn't hard to believe but i had the biggest crush on your mami. i thought she was so beautiful and her eyes are just so enchanting. I didn't know how to talk to her. she would at times tease me for being so nervous. I think the moment i realized i was in love with your mami was this one night we was sitting looking at the stars..." you start to explain

{flash back }

you and Pepa snuck out to watch the stars. she had school the next day so it wasn't your smartest idea but as a new couple you two wanted to spend as much time together.

"you are going to get us in trouble" you tell your girlfriend

"well you like bad girls" pepa says winking

you chuckle

"i think i'm into chaotic beautiful girls with beautiful green eyes" you said

Pepa playfully rolls her eyes and lays her head on your chest as you two lay back on the grass.

"the sky is so beautiful tonight. " Pepa said smiling

"it is." you agree.

"you know I don't say it enough but thank you. you make me feel normal. I don't have to fake anything about myself with you. I feel.. safe with you" Pepa admits

your heart seems to flutter. she has been like safety for you too.

"I love you" You blurt out

your heart starts to race. Pepa is quiet and you think you just fucked everything up. she sits up and looks at the sky.

"you do? like you aren't messing with me right?" She asks still not facing you

"i do. I am truly madly deeply in love you Pepa Madrigal. I'm sorry if it's too soon or if i make you uncomfortable" you said

she looks at you and smiles.

"i love you too. I didn't have the courage to say it first but I am in love with you too (y/n). you stole my heart. " Pepa admits.

{end of flashback}

"and that's when i knew for sure" you end the story

Dolores smiles big. she loves you and Pepas love story. she always asks for stories of you two because she wants what you two have.

"i hope you get a relationship like ours Lola. you look for a man that will treat you the way papi treats me or even better" Pepa tells your daughter.

"oh I won't settle for anything less." she smiles.

you kiss Dolores on her head.

"now no dating till you're 20" you tell her

"but papi" Dolores starts to say

you give her a look and she stays quiet.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now