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it's been a few days since your anniversary and Pepa has you over helping her with her homework. you are helping her write her report paper and she groans out of frustration.

"i'm tired of thinking.. hey let's make out or something" Pepa said looking at you

"nope. finish that report" you tell her

Pepa pouts but goes back to writing. you kiss her head and go back to looking over her other homework. 

"mi sol" Pepa said

"hm?" you said still looking at her math

"i did something and i don't know if you'd be mad or not. "pepa said and takes an envelope out her drawer

"what did you do?" you ask looking up at her

she hands you the envelope address to you and when you see the return address your heart races

"Pepa... did you send a copy of my book to an publishing company? " you ask looking at the envelope

"yes.. don't hate me" she said

You open the envelope and read what's inside

"pepa" you said and look at her seriously.

"oh no.. is it bad? did i mess up?" she ask with a cloud forming over her head.

"you did good! they want to publish my book" you smile and hug her.

she hugs back relaxing.

"i owe you big" you said

"so you'll finish my report for me?" she ask

she knows you'd be able to finish it in like 10 minutes.

"fine. only because you did a great thing. " you said taking the paper from her.

she smiles. Bruno was right when he said you was wrapped around her finger.

"oh don't forget my friend Agustin is coming into town. he's staying with my family for a while. you get to meet him today " you said

"oh the one who's accident prone ?" Pepa ask

you nod your head.

"that means he's going to be around. Julieta is going to have her hands full " Pepa said and chuckles at the thought.

"yup" you agree

after you finish her report Pepa kisses you happy. you kiss back and pull her close.  She wraps her arms around your neck and you both make out for a bit. Pepa tries to go farther but you pull away

"your mami is home... plus we gotta get to my house before Gus gets here " you remind her

Pepa groans and gets off you. you stand up and fix yourself.

"good luck hiding that" she smirks and goes to fix her hair

"perks of a ruana " you said and make sure you are covered up

"well let's go so he's not waiting on us. " Pepa said holding out her hand

you gladly take her hand and lace your fingers with hers. you both head downstairs

"wait" you both hear and turn to see Alma

"homework done?" She ask

"si mami. (y/n) checked it over. he didn't let me do anything until i finished " she tells alma

Alma looks at you both and nod

"make sure to watch over her " she tells you

"of course. i always do. i'll make sure she's home early. " you said smiling at Alma

she smiles back. she really likes you for her daughter. You and Pepa head to your house and you smile the moment you see the boy in glasses

"gus amigo!" you say smiling

"(nickname) it's been so long!" he said and hug you

you smile and feel Pepa staring you pull away from the hug.

"Gus this is my beautiful novia Pepa. Mi girasol this is my best friend Agustin " you said smiling

"nice to meet you Agustin" Pepa goes for a hand shake but Agustin pulls her into a hug

"good to finally meet you. he goes on and on about you in letters" he laughs

you blush

"shut up Torpe(klutz) "you said

"hey" he playfully shoved your shoulder

your both laugh and Pepa smiles. she loves to see you so happy.

"i already put my stuff inside "agustin said

"okay let me get something quick. entertain each other. " you said

you peck Pepa's lips then go inside

"so he talks about me" Pepa said to Agustin

he chuckles and nods

"i don't know what you done to him but he's head over heels. i never seen him so in love before. he told me that he'd do anything for you but between you and me he's a bit insecure. he doesn't want to show it but he needs some reminding that you love him sometimes. " Agustin said

"thank you for the heads up. i'll make sure he knows i love him" Pepa said

"well i can't wait to get to know you" Agustin said

he leans back on a nearby tree just for a bee hive to fall on him. he screams and runs with the bees after him. you run out hearing the screams. you see Pepa holding in her laugh.

"(y/n) " you hear

you look and Agustin is all covered in bee stings. you look at pepa

"julieta" you say in unison.

"so this is why you said he's a bee magnet?" Pepa ask as you both lead him into town

"yup" you said

"they must think i'm sweet" Agustin jokes.

you chuckle and you both see Julieta working

"oh Julieta" you said

she turns and looks at you three and her eyes widen seeing how swollen Agustin is.

"this is mi amigo Agustin. he got attacked by bees" you explain

she shoves an arepa in his mouth and he instantly heals. Agustin looks at Julieta and you know that look on his face.

"agustin this is Julieta.. my sister" Pepa said introducing the two

"it's nice to meet you Julieta" Agustin said with a goofy smile

"nice to meet you too Agustin." she smiles

"expect to see him more" Pepa whispers in her ear

Julieta smiles at her sister

"i wouldn't mind" she whispers back.

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