24. please the wife

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You are massaging Pepa's feet. she's now 5 months pregnant and you are in love with her bump. turns out both you and Agustin are going to be girl dads.

"mi sol.." Pepa said

"hm?" you said focusing on her feet.

"i want to name her after your mami" she said

you stop and look at her surprised by her name suggestion.

"you want to name her Dolores?" you ask smiling touched.

she nods her head.

"it's a beautiful name and she will be honoring her grandmother" Pepa said rubbing her bump

you smile and put a hand on her stomach.

"so you like that name? hm Dolores?" you ask

you feel the baby move and you smile.

"she likes it" Pepa said smiling

"Then Dolores it will be mi Princesa. " you said and kiss the bump.

she moves more and you smile.

"i think she loves your voice and kisses. " Pepa said to you

you kiss her bump again and get the same reaction. you smile big and kiss Pepa. she kisses you back and pullson your belt. you pull away.

"mi girasol i don't want to hurt the baby" you said

"your tia said Sex is okay when pregnant. It ma good exercise. you won't hurt her. " Pepa said

"later " you said hoping she'll forget later.

you see a cloud over Pepa's head.

"mi vida.." you start

"(y/n) get out" she said

that stings a bit. she never calls you by your name. always a cute nickname.

"please" you start to say.

she points to the door and you sigh but still go. you know not to piss her off. you go to Bruno's room and knock. it Seems like Bruno isn't home.

"ugh right when i need to talk to you" you mumble

you head downstairs and notice Julieta and Agustin isn't there. Alma's sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"did Julieta have a doctors appointment?" you ask while making a cup of coffee.

"no she went into labor. " Alma said

"what a great day.. flower festival is today. " you said

Alma smiles and nods. you plan on getting Pepa sunflowers today. you and Alma sit and talk for a bit before you excuse yourself.

you head into town and go to the florist.

"please tell me you have sunflowers left" you said

"you are lucky.. i thought of you and held a bouquet for you" he said

"you are a life saver" you smiled and pay him

"how's the wife?" he ask

"very pregnant " you said smiling

he chuckles

"don't forget her favorite snack or you might have to deal with her being mad. he said

you nod thanking him. Pepa can't do anything bad to you, hell she already shocked you and struck you with lightning. you are surprisingly still alive being with her.

"hey lover boy!" you hear

you turn and see Kelly. you smile at her as she comes over.

"hey Kelz" you said

"those for the mrs" she ask

you nod

"of course. these are the only flowers i've ever got her since they remind me of her " you said smiling.

"i'm surprised you haven't made a sunflower field for her yet. " she said

you look at her and she knows that look

"no" she said

"please" you pout

"no" she said trying to hold her ground

"but it was basically your idea and i will love you forever. I'll.. uh i'll owe you one" you basically beg

you grab her hand while you go on your knees with a puppy dog look and she slowly takes her hand away

"ew that's kind straight and i don't like that. ugh fine i'll help you. only because i love Pepa and she's pregnant " she said

"thank you " you smile standing up knowing you'd win.

"just.. ugh we'll start tomorrow. just bring the flowers and i got everything else" she said

you smile and head back home happy Kelly is joint to help you make a nice field of sunflowers for your beloved wife.

you hear Pepa in the kitchen and you walk in and kiss her cheek. she looks at you and her eyes instantly light up when she sees you have sunflowers.

"for me" she ask

"of course" you smile and kiss her cheek.

a rainbow goes over her head.

"oh also this" you move your hand from behind your back

she smiles when she sees you got her treats form the bakery.

"your papi is going to spoil us" she said to her bump

you chuckle and nod

"the two most important woman in my life" you said

you kiss her cheek then kiss her bump.

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now