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You are currently helping Alma reach something and you feel a tap on your butt. you quickly look and see Pepa wink at you. you can't help but chuckle. you get the vase and hand it to Alma.

"thank you" she said and pulls you down a bit to kiss your cheek.

you smile at her and close the closet. Alma walks off and Pepa walks to you and wraps her arms around your neck

"you know she just asked you to do that so she can steal you from me " Pepa said

you chuckle

"she did not " you tell her

"oh yeah? she could have told casita to help her."

"well maybe she wanted me to feel useful"

Pepa rolls her eyes.

"you are a possessive one aren't you" you whisper in her ear

"mmm yeah i am. especially when i know what you have to offer" Pepa said

you look around and smirk as you pull her in the closet.

"what are you doing?" she whispers

"maybe i want to show you what i have to offer" you said and start kissing her neck

Pepa bites her lip and puts a hand on your chest. you stop and look at her.

"later.. i've been a bit nauseous and don't want to throw up on you" she said

"okay" you kiss her forehead and rub her stomach.

"I can't wait to have this baby" she said smiling.

"another addition to our family " you said happy.

you both exit the closet and see Bruno. he raises an eyebrow at you.

"i wouldn't go in there if i was you" you joke

Bruno makes a disgusted face and fake gags.

"Brunito you are going to make me puke doing that" Pepa said and push his shoulder

"don't touch me I don't know where those hands have been " Bruno said

"hey how's you and your girlfriend?" you said low

"uh.. as good as we can be after mami threatened her not to be with me since she will 'ruin' the madrigal image" he said sadly

you give him a hug and he hugs back. Bruno lets out a choked cry. Pepa looks sad at her baby brother and rubs his back.

After a while Bruno wipes his eyes and pulls away.

"i'll be okay.. oh uh I had a vision early about you Pepita " Bruno said forcing a smile

"what about me?" She ask

"you holding a baby girl.. i saw the pink blanket" he said

you smile at Pepa who you could see is excited.

"another girl... guess we'd be even with Juli and Gus with two girls. "

"Camila. " Pepa says smiling

"guess i'm only going to have nieces. " Bruno said

"you are already the best at tea parties" Pepa tells him

"and being the girls make up dummy " you said remembering the time the girl put make up all over Bruno wanting to make him pretty.

"don't remind me" Bruno said

"well with a new baby the girls would think of dressing her up instead. " you said

"thank God" Bruno mumbles

"well if you two excuse me I'd like to be in my room" Bruno said

"okay talk to you later B" you said

Bruno hurries off and you sigh.

"i'm worried about him" you tell Pepa

"he just needs time. he'll be back to his old Bruno self soon" Pepa said

and if only it was simple like that. you knew something was up with Bruno. there's more stairs to his vision cave then before. you choose not to mention that because maybe Pepa noticed it too.

"mi amor" Pepa said

"yes ?"you ask

"you spaced out"

"i'm sorry mi girasol. " you apologize

"want to talk about it ?" she ask

"it's nothing. hey how about we buy some baby dresses?" you ask trying to distract her

she smiles big and nods excited.

"let's take lola with us." Pepa said

you nod and before you can say anything you hear Dolores shout she's coming.

"perks of a super hearing daughter" you said chuckling.

Dolores walks down the stairs knowing Pepa would freak if she saw her running down the stairs worried she'd get hurt.

"oh my princess. " you said and pick her up

she giggles and hugs your neck.

"never seen a bigger papi's girl than you" Pepa said

"i'm Papi's biggest fan and he's mine" Dolores tells her and lays her head on your shoulder.

you hold Dolores with one arm and use your free hand to hold Pepa's hand.

"are you going to buy a dress like mine?" Dolores asks

"if we find one. if not mami will make it" Pepa promises

Dolores smiles at her mother. she is excited for a sibling so much.

"well let's go get some clothes " Dolores said excitedly

you chuckle loving to see her like this. you are so excited for a new addition

(hey y'all sorry i've been working a lot lately so i haven't been able to really update my stories. i'm saving up to go on vacation. thank you for your patience)

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