17.after sleepover

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(comment of last chapter is from @Bakugou_Uraraka )

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(comment of last chapter is from @Bakugou_Uraraka )

You wake up on the floor with Bruno half hanging off your bed and Agustin asleep in a chair. you groan and hold your head. boys night was fun for sure. your door opens and you see Tomas smiling at you

"came to wake me up?" you ask

"yeah" he said smiling.

he goes to you and you smile at him. you sit him on your lap and push his hair out his face.

"i love you " you tell him

"muah" he blows you a kiss

you smile at him and kiss his head. you love your baby brother more than anything.

"let's go get breakfast. " you said and carry him out the room

you two go in the kitchen and you put him in his high chair and make everyone breakfast. your tia comes in surpirsed you got up before her

"how are you up so early?" she ask

"just got up early and then Tomas came in my room. " you said

"wow he usually wakes me up. guess he wanted you to cook this morning" she said

you nod smiling small. your mom taught you to cook so you cook just like her. you tia helps by feeding Tomas oatmeal while everything cooks.

"something smells familiar" your dad said while walking in the kitchen.

"i cooked mami's world famous breakfast.. oh and her amazing oatmeal for Tomas" you said

Your dad smiles and hugs you. you hugged back and you feel your shoulder getting wet. when you pull away he wipes his eyes

"sorry mijo. " he said

"it's okay... i miss her too" you said

Agustin and Bruno come in looking like a hot mess.

"my back is killing me" Bruno said

"i mean you was half on the bed and half off it so" you said

you all enjoy breakfast. you all talk about your plans for today.  You planned on helping Pepa with a report she has and you also have to make a trip to a few towns over to work with a publisher so you can get paid.

"so are you taking the trip alone?" your dad ask

"yeah why wouldn't i?" you ask

"is it safe?" he ask

"should be" you answer

"how about i come with you?" Agustin ask

"you need to help with the produce stand " you said

"i think a few days without someone there would be okay" your dad said

"i can help after school" Bruno said

"you don't have to" your dad said smiling at the offer

"i want to. " Bruno said

"well then welcome to the team hijo" your dad said putting a hand on bruno's shoulder

you can see the bright smile on bruno's face which makes you smile. after breakfast Bruno helps your tia with dishes and you and Agustin goes clean the room.

"when are you going to tell Padrino he's going to be an abuelo" Agustin ask you low

"when Pepa is ready to tell her mami. i know she's scared to. i think she's scared her mami won't like me anymore. " you said

"well if you knocked up my daughter i would not like you" Agustin said

"for that comment i hope you only have daughters" you said

"watch my first kid be a boy" Agustin said

you roll your eyes and soon Bruno comes in.

"okay i'm all done helping " he said smiling

you smile at him and you three head to casita. Alma greets you three.

"oh my brunito how was your first sleep over?" she ask

"mami they didn't know it was my first one" he mumbles blushing embarrassed

"aw we was his first" you tease

Bruno glares at you and when he's sure Alma isn't looking he gives you the finger.

"Pepa and Julieta are up in Pepa's room. " Alma said

"gracias señora madrigal " both you and Agustin say

you both go up to the redheads room. you knock your secret knock on her door so she knows it's you.

"come in" she said

you and Agustin walk in. Julieta is braiding Pepa's hair. Agustin smiles and kisses Julieta on the cheek making her blush.

"mi vida you are so gorgeous" you said and sit by her

"gracias mi sol " she said

you peck her lips.

"did you two take care of Bruno" Julieta ask

"of course. he's a little brother to us" Agustin said

"you know you two are the only ones we trust him with" Pepa said

"we are honored" you said smiling

you and Agustin are happy to be able to be like brothers to the youngest madrigal. Pepa smiles and hugs Julieta when she finishes.

"i made you a tea if you get nauseous" Julieta said and hands a metal bottle to her sister

"thank you. you are the best" Pepa said smiling

"well we have a date. see you later. " Julieta said pulling Agustin along with her

he of course trips over his feet a bit but doesn't fall.

"i think without Julieta that guy would be bruised daily" you said with a small chuckle

"most likely. you are going to help me with my report right?" she ask

"of course mi vida. " you said

you both work on her report. you steal little kisses here and there.

"you know today I leave for the publisher " you said reminding her

"i thought it was tomorrow. " she said then looks at her calander confused

she sees it's in fact today you go.

"are you going alone?" she ask

"no with gus. he insisted. " you tell her

"good. we need you safe" she said and put your hand on her stomach

you smile at her and kiss her stomach lightly.

"i will do anything for you both. " you said

she smiles at you and peck your lips happy. you know once you get this publishing thing taken care of you can take care of your family and your dad won't have to work so hard.

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