36.renewal of vows

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one thing you didn't expect you had to do was chase your son around to get him to put his tux on. everyone is almost ready for you and Pepa to renew your vows.

"Milo please. you need to be dressed" you begged the toddler

"no" Camilo said and runs

thankfully casita pushes him back and you catch him.

"ha. you will get dressed and mami will see how handsome you are." you said

you look out the window to see it's a bit windy. you know Pepa is a bit nervous.

"lola help your mami" you say out loud hoping your daughter hears

you dress Camilo who frowns.

"no like" he said

"i know buddy it's okay." you tell him

you kiss his head and put on your tie and jacket. thankfully you was dressed. you head to the backyard with Camilo. You stand there and Agustin straightens your tie.

"hey i'm all good" you said trying to swat his hand

"i just a proud best friend" Agustin tells you

"hey she's already married to me" you tell him

he rolls his eyes at you. you see Camilo sitting with your brother happily. you hear the music start and you smile big since you can't wait to see your wife. you tear up as you see Dolores walking her mom down the isle. okay more than tear up since tears run down your face.

when Pepa gets to you she wipes your face and smiles at you.

"i am happy for these two to be renewing their vows. they have grown to a family. now (y/n) would you like to start?" the priest said

you nod and hold Pepa's hands.

"Pepa I am so happy to have had all these years with you. I am so grateful for you. you gave me two beautiful children that I will lay my life down for. you and I have grown together and you are such a strong woman. you are the inspiration to my stories. you taught me so much and i can't wait to continue this journey with you. I love you" you said

she smiles and tear up a bit.

"I love you so much. you keep me so happy. you made one of my wishes come true and it was to have kids with the love of my life. we have a beautiful marriage with our beautiful kids to complete it. you are my sunshine after a storm. I am happy to complete life with you. i love you. " she tells you

you two kiss and everyone claps. Camilo runs over and Pepa picks him up. you hold your hand out for Dolores and she smiles while she walks over. you hold her close and hold hands with Pepa. you all go inside and the music is playing. you smile and Pepa goes on the dance floor with Camilo and you dance with Dolores.

after a few minutes Camilo runs to you and you pick him up.

"where's mami?" you ask and look around

"man" is all Camilo tells you.

"Felix.. your room" Dolores says and covers her ears

you go to Julieta and ask her to watch Camilo and Dolores real quick. you hurry upstairs and quietly grab the door knob.

"Felix please. stop it" you hear Pepa say

you hear rain and rush in. Felix has Pepa against the wall with his hand up her dress. you pull him away. he stumbles and you punch him. he grabs his jaw.

"you don't touch my wife!" you shout

you jump on him tackling him to the ground. he throws a punch you didn't expect. it hits you in the eye and it just powers your punches. you keep hitting him and tries to cover his face.

"amor stop you are going to kill him" Pepa said

she pulls the back of your shirt. you get off him and kick him hard.

"mi amor please" Pepa pulls you look at her.

Agustín runs in.

"woah Dolores was crying for me to come up here. i see why" he said

He gets Felix out and you sit on the bed.

"i'm sorry i let you out my sight. i feel horrible. " you said

"nothing happened thanks to you" Pepa said sitting with you

you hold her close knowing she's still scared. she hides her face in your shoulder and just starts to cry. You hold her close as you both get wet by her rain cloud.  you whisper 'i love you' repeatedly in her ear until she stops crying.

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