3.baby brother

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It's been a rough few days. nobody has seen your family. Pepa has been worried. did her mom scare you off that night? Alma returns from visiting your house.

"hi mami.. how are the (L/n)s ?" she ask

"they are going through a lot at the moment. (y/n) is working the stand though. Would you mind getting the groceries?" Alma ask

she has a sadden expression as she walks off. Pepa sighs and heads off to town.she sees you and smiles. you always brighten her day. she sees you are really into your book as she walks over.

"(y/n) nice to see you " a voice said getting you out of your thoughts

you look up and your eyes meet beautiful green ones.

"Pepa.. hey" you said forcing a smile

she frowns a bit seeing the dark circles around your puffy eyes.

"what happen? " she ask and gently takes your hand in hers.

"my uh.. my baby brother was born." you said looking down

"oh your mami must be so happy" Pepa said

"s-she didn't make it" your voice cracks at the end and you just sob.

Pepa goes around the stand and hug you. you hug back and cry in her shoulder. she rubs your back and tries her best to keep a cloud from coming above her head. you look so broken when you cry. it hurts her.

"i got you. i got you" she said

she puts the close sign and sits on the ground with you. you hold on to her as you cry.she hums as she plays with your hair until you calm down

"i-I'm sorry " you apologize

"no it's okay you can cry all you need" she said looking at you. 

you stare into her eyes and She puts a hand on your cheek. you blush a bit. Pepa smiles small and kiss your other cheek.

"uh is anyone there?" you hear.

you wipe your face and stand up

"señora Alvarez hi." you smile awkwardly.

"what were you doing?" she ask

"oh nothing... how can i help you?" you smile

Pepa stands up blushing. Senora Alvarez's eyes widen a bit. you can see the stories she's making up in her mind. you quickly make her usually order

"here you go. have a great day." you said handing her the bag

she leaves the money on the counter and takes her bag. she hurries off and you see her talking to another lady. they both look over.

"great now let's see what's going to go back to your mami" you said sighing.

"well i don't care what anyone thinks. " She tells you.

"i gotta go but come by my place later" Pepa kisses your cheek to give the women a little something else to gossip about.

you watch her rush off smiling. after you close the stand you head home and see your dad tired with your baby brother.

"let me take him. " you said

you hold your baby brother Tomas. you smile at how small he is.

"thank you hijo. " you Dad said yawning.

"he just ate. if you want you can take him for a walk. " you dad said.

"you sure?" you ask

sure you helped with your brother since he was born and know how to make a bottle and know how to change a diaper. you are just nervous taking him outside.

"yeah you both need air. i need a nap. " you dad said

you nod and put on the baby carrier and you strap your brother in. you grab his baby bag and decided to go show him to Pepa. You head to the madrigal house and casita opens the door for you.

"gracias Casita" you said

you walk to the kitchen and see Julieta.

"hola Juli" you said softly.

she turns and sees you have your baby brother

"this is your brother?" she also

you nod and take him out the carrier to hold him.

"this is Tomas. we are besties already. " you tell her.

"aww he's so cute " Julieta coos at the baby

"Julieta.. i wanted to kiss..." Pepa starts and freezes when she sees you

"hi Pepa.. look this is Tomas" you said rocking the baby

a rainbow goes over Pepa's head. she couldn't admit it out loud but you with a baby has been the most attractive she found you so far. seeing you so caring and nurturing for your baby brother. okay

"you two are so cute" Pepa said

she smiles at the baby. you can't help but smile at how excited she looks to be around a baby.

"i get to practice with Tomas before we.. i uh mean before i have kids " you blush

Pepa hides her smile.

"he wants kids with me?" she can't help but think to herself

Tomas starts to get fussy so you look at the time.

"oh uh Pepa can you hold him so i can make his bottle? you just have to make sure you support his head. " you said

before she can answer you put the baby in her arms and make sure her arms are holding him right before you start to make his bottle. Tomas starts to cry and Pepa tries to lightly bounce him to help calm him.

"okay bottle done. do you want to feed him?" you ask Pepa

"uh sure. " she said

she sits down and you give her the bottle. she feeds Tomas who happily drinks his bottle.

"he's so cute" Pepa said watching the baby

"yeah" you say smiling watching the two.

"Pepa! Julieta!" Bruno shouts running in

Tomas starts crying at the loudness.

"Bruno the baby" Pepa said and a cloud grows.

"let me take him" you said and take your baby brother.

you burp him and just cuddle him till he calms down

"i'm sorry i didn't know we had a baby in the house" Bruno said feeling bad

"it's okay.. we have to get ready to go anyway. we have to be back before my dad gets up. " you said

Pepa helps you put on the carrier and she makes sure everything is in the baby bag.

"thank you so much" you said and hold her hand as she passes you the bag.

she blushes

"you- uh you're welcome. " she stutters.

"i mean for everything " you said

you kiss her hand quickly before saying bye to Julieta and Bruno before leaving. Pepa stares at her hand smiling.

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