20.wifey material

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(@Birdboy2 for the bruno appreciation)

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(@Birdboy2 for the bruno appreciation)

you take a deep breath as you are nervous. it's the day after the triplets turned 18 and you are planning on asking Pepa to marry you. she thought you was going to ask her yesterday with how many times you bend on one knee just to tie your shoes. you loved messing with her.

"do you have it?" your dad ask

you nod and show him the box.

"she would be proud of you son.. take good care of her ring" you dad said

you nod and smile. you are happy to have your mother's ring to propose with. you hug your dad before making your way to the madrigal house. you already spoke with Alma about proposing. you head over there and see Agustin and Julieta in the front cuddling.

"aww look at my favorite couple" you tease

"don't you have a girlfriend to see ?" Agustin ask

"you mean almost Fiancée " you say low

"you are going to ask her?"Julieta ask excited

you nod your head smiling. 

"she's out back with mami " Julieta said

you nod and head outside.

"maybe one day" you hear Pepa say laughing

you go behind her and cover her eyes

"guess who" you say

"hmm.. my handsome boyfriend?" she ask and you can hear the smile on her voice.

you move your hands and kiss her cheek.

"well I'll let you two talk. i'll be inside " Alma gives you a smile

you sit next to Pepa on the bench she's at.

"how has your day been?" you ask

"long since i haven't seen you all day" she said

"missed me?" you ask and push a loose piece of hair behind her head

"of course" she said smiling at you

You love her gap so much.

"you know i love your smile" you said

"even my gap?" she ask

"especially your gap" you said and peck her lips

"i actually wanted to talk to you about something" you said

"what is it?" She ask

"well I remember there was a day i was staring at you from the stand and my mom nudged me. she asked why don't i just go talk to you. i told her it was because you was intimidating. she didn't understand how. so i explained to her how your beautiful green eyes made me nervous and how your smile made my mouth dry. she was rooting for us to get together for a while. So when you accepted being my girlfriend i went to her grave and told her. Pepa you make me a happy man. you know i want to spend the rest of my life with you. i want you and only you. Pepa Madrigal would you make me the happiest man alive and be my wife?" you ask and then take out the ring

she gasp and starts to cry. she nods and you put the ring on her finger. you kiss her as it rains and she kisses back. you stand up and make her dance with you in the rain. after a while you are both laughing and a rainbow goes over encanto.

"that was my mothers ring. she wanted me to give it to the woman of my dreams. " you said

"i'm honored to have it" Pepa said smiling.

you two go inside and go change. thankfully you have some clothes in her room.

"i love you (y/n) so much" she said

"i love you way more " you said

"nope not possible" she said and wrap her arms around your neck

"so mi vida. i love you way more than you love me " you said and start kissing her neck

she gasp and moans low. you chuckle and pull away.

"all mine " you say looking at her

"tease" she said and smacks your arm

"the best tease" you said

"is that a challenge?" she ask raising an eyebrow

"don't even think about it" you said

"too late" she said smirking.

what did you get yourself into? you two head downstairs holding hands. you join Julieta and Agustin in the front. the second you sit down Pepa decides to sit on your lap.

"Amor there is a spot next to me " you said

"i'm more comfortable here" she said

"so Pepa nice ring" Julieta said

"it's so pretty" Pepa said and moves around a bit so she can show her sister the ring and tease you.

"i'm happy you two are getting married. i better be the best man" Agustin said

"of course you are and Bruno is going to be my groomsman " you said smiling

"you are going to ask him?" Pepa ask smiling

"of course. i love Bruno " you said

while you two sit there Pepa is teasing you and she can feel it.

"mami said dinner is ready" Bruno said coming out

Agustin and Julieta get up first

"you two coming?" Julieta ask

"in a second. i have to tell Pepa something " you said forcing a smile

they couple goes inside.

"Pepa you really want me to go inside with a bulge?" you whisper in her ear

"not my fault you can't handle me on your lap" she said getting up

you stand up and pull her close. you grab her ass and smirk when she gasp.

"you are going to be in for it later" you whisper in her ear.

you lightly kiss her cheek and fix yourself.

"punish me amor" she seductively said since two can play that game

your jaw drops not expecting that and you watch her go to the door swaying her hips.

"well come on let's have dinner" she said

"i'm looking at my dinner" you mumble to your self before following her.

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