15.clear up

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(imma start adding the best comment from last chapter in the beginning of the chapters now cause sometimes y'all be having me rolling when y'all react to certain parts. so to be featured gimme your best comment)

"wait here" Kelly said when there is knocking at her door

you are on her couch. she gets the door.

"is (y/n) here?" you hear

"yeah come in" she says.

she leads Agustin into the living room.

"what's going on here?" he ask crossing his arms

"she didn't want me to go home drunk so she was helping me sober up. " you explain

"oh thank god" Agustin said grabbing his chest relieved

"what did you think? wait how'd you know i was here?" you ask

"Felix saw you two come here. he thought you was cheating on Pepa" Agustin explains

"um im gay. i live here with my girlfriend and her mom" Kelly explains

"i thought you two was sisters. i'm so sorry for assuming " Agustin said

"did he tell Pepa i cheated?" you ask

Agustin nods. you groan knowing you are going to have a lot to talk to Pepa about.

"thank you Kelly. I have to go talk to my girlfriend" you said standing up with a pounding head ache

"it's really late" Agustin said

"well what should i do? just let her think i'm this horrible guy?" you ask upset

"well señora madrigal will have your head if you go there this late" Agustin said

you sigh knowing he's right.

"we will go in the morning. " he said

you agree. you thank Kelly again and go home with Agustin.

"what do i do ?" you said sighing.

"just talk to her. "Agustin said

you sigh

"maybe she will strike me again with lightning and this time i don't have to wake up" you said

"hey don't talk like that amigo!" Agustin said

he lays down on the spare bed in your room even though he has his own room.

"well my life will be all bad without her. no more sunny days for me " you said sighing

Agustin feels bad. though tomorow is saturday sos the triplets don't have school.

"i'll work the stand alone. you get Pepa to talk to you. i'll make sure i have an umbrella in case " Agustin said

you look out the window and it's raining

"if it doesnt stops raining then no work for you" you said

you fall asleep and in the morning wake up with a hang over. you take some medication and put on some sunglasses.

"God please make her talk to me" you mumble to yourself while you get ready.

you make your way to the madrigal house with an umbrella and knock. Julieta opens the door. she glares at you when she sees you.

"what?" she ask coldly

"you can talk to Agustin. he knows i didn't cheat and even saw me at Kelly's. " you said

she looks at you as if trying to read you.

"she's in her room. if she wants you to go just go.don't stress her out more.  " she said letting you in.

you go inside and head to Pepa's room. you knock

"i don't want to talk to anyone" you hear a hoarse voice say.

you sigh and go inside. you close the door and she looks up at you. she throws the care bear you got her at you. it hits you in the face.

"i deserve that" you said and walk over

"leave me alone cheater" she said.

"can you let me talk. 5 minutes then if you want me to go then i will go" you said

"fine" she said sitting far from you on the bed

"okay... so lately i've been really depressed. I miss my mom more than usual. i didn't want to face you about it so i decided to deal with it myself. I was drinking last night and Kelly came to talk with me. we connected over not having our moms. she saw i was getting really drunk so she took me to her house. she helped me sober up so i wouldn't go home looking a mess. nothing happened between us because we are just friends and i love you. " you explain

"she liked you since she first got here" Pepa said

"pepita she's gay. she lives with her girlfriend. " you said

Pepa looks at you.

"Felix said" she starts to say

"well whatever he saw he interpreted wrong" you said

"promise?" she ask looking at her hands

"yes. what can i do to prove to you i'm not lying?" you ask

she thinks then looks at you.

"i want to talk to Kelly" she said.

she starts to get a change of clothes.

"turn around" she tells you

"mi girasol i seen you naked many times" you say

"turn" she said stern

you turn around real quick. after she changes the weather clears up a bit and you two head to Kelly's house. Kelly comes out and talks with Pepa explaining everything.

"well why when i first saw you.. you kept staring at him?" she ask

"i wasn't staring at him. i was staring at the produce. i wanted to see if he had cherries, it's Lily's favorite. then i saw you two kiss and looked away. it was a bit too straight for me" she said

Pepa blush embarrassed for thinking kelly wanted her man. Pepa apologies for everything and kelly accepts her apology. 

"thank you for looking out for him" Pepa said and grabs your hand

"of course. i couldn't let my friend get hurt or make anyone worry " she said

you smile at her happy she could help you clear things up.

"so are we all good now?" You ask

Pepa thinks for a second and then nods. she doesn't want to tell you about her pregnancy anytime soon.

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