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You, Pepa, Julieta and Agustin just came home from a double date. you guys left the kids in Bruno's care. He insisted he could watch all the kids and Dolores and Isabela swore to help him. the kids should all be in bed by the time you call came back.

"i'm going to go check on Lola first" Pepa said and goes upstairs.

"camilo please come out your mami will kill me if i lost you" you hear Bruno say

you follow the sound of his voice to see him pacing around with Mirabel is in his arms. he is
holding Camilo's clothes. seems as if Camilo decided to run and hide naked again. you watch him amused as he hasn't notice you came back home.

"I'll give you cake if you come out " Bruno tries to bribe desperate.

"Cake? really?" you said

he jumps and looks back at you with fear.

"i'm sorry. i was changing Mirabel and looked away for one second-" he starts to explain

"it's okay" you cut him off

"it's okay? i lost your child. " Bruno said

"follow me" you said and start walking.

He follows you to the kitchen. now he's confused.

"i already looked in here. he's not under the table. " Bruno said

you open the cabinets and there is a sleeping Camilo naked and cake all over his face.

"how'd you know ?" Bruno asked

"he likes cabinets and he likes cake so the kitchen is usually where you'd find him.  " you said

you take the blanket that's on Bruno's shoulder and Wrap camilo in it as you take him out. he opens his eyes and smiles at you.

"papi" he says sleepy.

"let's get you dressed and in bed. " you said chuckling at your 2 year old.

you take Camilo to the nursery and dress him in his pajamas. you lay him in his bed and kiss his head. just as you tuck him in Pepa comes in.  Camilo some how senses her and opens his eyes

"mami" he whines

"shh Milo mami is here. " she said

she takes him out his bed and cuddles him.

"mamas boy" you said

"oh please you was the same with lola" she said to you

you stay quiet because that's how you still are with Dolores.

"i'm going to check on Lola. see you in the room. i love you Milo. " you kiss his head

you go to Dolores' room and open the door as quietly as you can. you walk into her room and over to her bed. you smile as you see she's asleep. you kiss her head and she opens her eyes.

"papi" she said and opens her arms.

you smile and give her a hug.

"stay" she whispers.

"Lola " you said looking at her

"just for a bit please pa. i love you " Dolores goes a little pout

"i love you too princesa, I'll lay with you for a few minutes " you said and lay with her.

she smiles and cuddles with you. you hum a song and rub her back. after a few minutes you don't realize you fell asleep.

Pepa is worried when you don't come to bed so she decides to see if you are still in Dolores' room. she quietly walks to the room and opens the door. she instantly smiles when she sees you and Dolores cuddling. she tap your arm and your eyes shoot open. you look around and sigh in relief that Dolores is sleeping.

"sorry i didn't mean to fall asleep" you whisper and move careful trying not to wake Dolores.

you two quietly leave her room. you head back to your shared room and Pepa smiles at you.

"i love seeing you with our babies. i feel like our little family is complete." Pepa said smiling at you.

you nod smiling at her.

"our family is the best." you said and lay with her.

Pepa lays her head on your chest.

"i think we are done with kids." Pepa said

"you don't want more?" you ask

she shakes her head no.

"we tried so hard for the two we have. I don't want to be disappointed trying for another." Pepa said

you nod understanding where she's coming from.

"wait do you want another ?" she ask sitting up looking at you

"well i'm open to the idea but it's your body mi vida. we have a boy and a girl so it's okay. we are going to raise an amazing young woman and a great young man. " you said smiling at her.

Pepa smiles at you.

"how'd i get so lucky?" she asks.

"I think Im the lucky one. I got to marry and have kids with the beautiful Pepa Madrigal. " you said smiling.

she blushes and tries to hide her face.

"hey you know i don't like you hiding that beautiful face. " you said before attacking her with kisses

she laughs and tries to push you away. you hold her arms as you keep kissing all over her face.

"s-stop please" she laughs

you stop and watch her as she tries to catch her breath. you take in her beauty. how her green eyes shine and how her beautiful red hair is in every direction but still looks perfect. how her lips curl into a smile as she looks at you.

"what?" she ask

"oh i'm just taking in your beauty" you tell her

"i'm all yours" she said and trace the scar on your arm.

"and i'm all yours. forever and always. "

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now