13.seer of all

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you seen less and less of pepa as if she was avoiding you. the weather has been shitty for these last few days. Agustin has been hanging out with Julieta. Bruno has been ignoring you also after you asked him to see if he can see in the future to see what's up with your girlfriend.  you see Bruno walking around so you grab him and pull him into an alley

"please don't beat me!" he said with his eyes close

"B it's me" you said

"geez (y/n) you scared me" he said holding his chest opening his eyes

"did you do what i asked?" you said

"i uh gotta go" he said

"what? why?" you said and grab him by his ruana

"(y/n) let go!" he said

"bruno come on tell me what's going on" you said

Bruno some how got free

"it's not my business to tell you. talk with Pepa" he said

before you can ask anything else he runs off.

"ugh bruno! " you groan frustrated.

how can you talk to Pepa if she's going a good job at avoiding you. you sigh as it starts to rain. you go to Julietas booth. she and Agustin are both there smiling and laughing.

"Juli where's your sister?" you ask

"what sister?" Julieta ask nervously

"pretty sure you only have one. unless Bruno decided to be a girl" you said crossing your arm

"she's in the fields" Julieta said sighing

you rush off to the fields. you see your redhead beauty sitting with her knees to her chest getting rained on.

you go and sit with her

"hey Pepita. " you said

"(y/n).. you shouldn't be here?" Pepa said

"why? " you said confused

"you are going to get sick. just go home" she gives you her back

"you are shutting me out and i just want to know what i did wrong " you said playing with your hands

Pepa's eyes soften. she never wanted to hurt you.

"no nothing. you didn't do anything wrong.. i just.. i'm always happy around you and people need rain so i was trying to distance myself. I needed to cry to make it rain so i was being sad. i get sad missing you and having to think bad thoughts " she said

you make her look at you.

"i don't like you so sad. have you ever tried laughing till you cried? " you asked

"what?" she ask

"you know laughing so hard you cry. " you said

she shakes her head. you smile small and make jokes so funny you make her cry laughing. you smile as it works. you laugh along with her. after you both smile at each other and the day clears up. 

"thank you" Pepa said

"you know i would never make you feel like you are forced to keep your gift in check or make yourself miserable for others" you said and kiss her hand.

"i love you " Pepa said

you smile big

"i love you too. now let's both get changed and i'll head to your house after" you said

"okay don't take long. " she said

"i won't mi vida" you promise

you both go and change and when you are done you head to the madrigal house. you see Bruno outside and you walk to him.

"dude her having to use her gift isn't that bad. " you said

"what are you talking about?" Bruno ask confused

"your vision. the reason she was avoiding me because she had to be sad so it can rain" you said

"that wasn't.. " Bruno starts and then he knocks on wood

"i have to go" Bruno said and runs inside

you confused go inside. before you can chase after the shorter male your name is called

"(y/n) nice to see you " Alma said

"Señora Madrigal.. hello. nice to see you also" you smile

"here to see Pepa?" she ask

"yes but i was going to talk with Bruno first" you said

"i'm so happy you and Agustin treat my boy so well. he doesn't have many friends so when you two invite him to boys days i know he appreciates it. " Alma said

"of course. Bruno is like a brother to me" you said

she nods happy with your answer.

"well you better talk to Brunito before Pepa wants you all to herself. " Alma said before walking off.

you start to make your way to Bruno's room when Pepa's door opens. of fucking course it does.

"amor come on" she said

"give me a minute mi vida. i'd like a word with your brother" you said

"okay. i'll be waiting for you" she said

you peck her lips and enter Bruno's room. you groan at the stairs. those damn stairs. you climb them till you get to his vision cave. you see him throwing visions around frustrated.

"Bruno" you said

you go to him and hold him by his shoulders

"what's going on?" you ask

"i can't do anything right! whenever there is a bad vision it's my fault. " he said before he starts bawling.

you hug him and let him cry into your shoulder

"hey Bruno.. i don't think it's your fault. visions happen good or bad but you aren't causing them. you are just seeing what happens. you are brave. you are brave because you have to watch and live with what happens in those vision. i can see you absorb whatever emotions are in those visions when you see them... i'm also sorry for putting you through that " you said

"you know you are the only person i think that doesn't see what i do as a curse" he said when he calms down.

"it's not a curse. you are just Bruno the seer of all. you are more than seeing visions. you are funny dude and a great person to be around. " you said smiling at him

"thank you.. i'm glad to have you in my life "

my sunflower (pepa x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now