16.being told

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(comment from last chapter that would be featured is by @Queen_of_Mean5 )

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(comment from last chapter that would be featured is by @Queen_of_Mean5 )

You are late for your hang out with Agustin and Bruno since Pepa wanted you to kill a spider that was in her room. you just relocated it outside.

you walk over to the two guys who are sitting on a bench

"sorry i'm late. my baby needed me" you said

"oh so she told you" Bruno said

"told me what?" you ask confused

"he meant Pepa" agustin said slightly glaring

"ohh uh my sister" Bruno said awkwardly

"wait is there something you two know that i don't?" you said

they both avoid looking at you.

"guys..." you said

"i can't say anything Pepa will kill me" Bruno said

you look at Agustin who avoids your eyes like you'd turn him to stone.

"Gus something you want to tell me?" you said

"oh uh did you know The average honey bee will actually make only one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime?" he ask

"that's not what i meant and you know that... you are Mi hermano.. are you really going to hide something from me?" you ask kind of hurt

"i.. go talk to Pepa please. I don't want to be in the middle of this. it's not my secret. " Agustin said looking at you

"you guys enjoy guys day. I'm going to go speak to my lovely girlfriend " you said

you go to the madrigal house. Pepa and Julieta are having a girls day with Kelly and Lily. You knock and Julieta opens the door surprised you see you

"hey (y/n) i thought you was having a boys day with Bruno and Agustin" she said

"oh yeah but uh I just had to talk to Pepa real quick. can you tell her to come out here? i only need 5 minutes. " you said

she nods and heads back inside. you sit down on the bench that's outside. soon Pepa comes outside.

"mi sol what are you doing here?" she ask and sits by you

"Pepa are you hiding something from me?" you ask getting straight to the point

"w-what?" she ask shocked

"are you hiding something from me? the guys made a comment and i was confused and they said i should talk to you. " you explain

she sighs and looks down.

"i'm... im pregnant" she says low.

you take a moment to process what she said. she's pregnant and that means you're going to be a dad.

"How long have you known?" you asked

"A month or so"

"Pepa, you should have told me"

"i'm not sorry... i didn't think it was time to tell you. i.. i'm scared. I haven't told anyone but my siblings and Agustin over heard. " She said.

you run a hand through your hair.

"what do you want to do?" you ask her

"what do you mean?" she ask

"do you want to raise the baby ?" you ask

"of course i do.. d-do you not want a baby with me? are you asking me to get rid of my baby?" she ask

"what? no i'm not asking you to get rid of the baby. i just want to make sure this is something you want to do mi girasol" you said and hold her hand.

"so we're having a baby" she said

"yeah we are. " you smile small

"we have to tell our parents.. i can't hide this forever. " she said

"i know. we will figure out how. " you said and kiss her.

she kisses you back and you pull her close carefully.

"so gentle" she said chuckling as you pull away

"i don't want to hurt you or the baby" you mumble and put your face in her neck

she chuckles and tries to move your head

"amor you need to shave. i feel your facial hair coming in"

"hey i thought you wanted me to grow it out" you said looking at her

"well it's itchy " she said

"fine i'll shave it. go enjoy your girls day. i'm going to go catch up with the guys. i love you so much and the baby" you said and peck her lips

"we love you too. i'll miss you" she said

"i miss you already" you wink

Pepa watches you walk off. you head to your house knowing Agustin and Bruno are there since Bruno is sleeping over.

"hello boys" you said walking into your room.

"hey" they said

"settle this.. who would win in a fight a 10 foot bee or a 10 foot rat?" Bruno asked

you look at them both with a weird look

"what?" you ask

"well we was trying to find out what would be the best fight with animals and insects.."Agustin starts

"you two are weird... i love you guys" you said and sit down

"so she told you?" Agustin asked

"yeah.. you guys are going to be Tios. " you said smiling big

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