Chapter 23

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She sat down and sighed. It was almost time for her photoshoot and she was more than happy to get her half day off. She stood in front of the prop and got in position. "Alright.Just set yourself to relax. No professionalism here. Just be yourself." The photographer instructed. She nodded. She thought of something cute and sexy. She thought about it then posed. The cameras then were off doing their thing. She would change every 12 shots. How could you keep up with all the flashes blinding you? But apparently she knew how many and when turn. She smiled at the very last of her pictures. She started to lose the sexiness and try her sassiness. It was a better image if you asked her. It showed off just how powerful the female population can be. We're showed off to be weak and needy but we're much more than that. We are strong and independent. Compared to what we see on t.v that's what we believe. But no. She wasn't accepting that and neither were the rest of us females. One day, just one it will happen. And when it does, we'll be waiting. That's exactly what roles do. Or atleast should do.

She was now a role model. To all of the people around the world. Now one of the top executives out there. But everything anyone ever gets comes with a price right? She was aware of it all. She knew what would happen. And she now knows the consequences of her actions. She just had to find a way of making sure those actions weren't revealed. If it is, she'd not only hurt him but she'd hurt the economy also. He'd probably treat her like shit and never respect the ground she walked on. She'd be a no body back at mansion. Then the economy would have a hard fall. No body would want to live anymore. She didn't want that. She paced back and forth in her hotel room.

She just didn't know what to do. She had a lot on her plate and on her mind. She can't suddenly disconnect Ben. If she did, he'd know. And she wanted him as far away from this as possible. Your boyfriend is techincally your boss. You try in every way possible to help him. How would he feel if he found out that all the help you have given him was just a way to tear him right back down to where he started? But he was already on top so sbe wouldn't bring him down that much.Would she? This was the case of hoblerz. Too many emotions towards one that you won't know where you went wrong. But in this case its gonna be very easy to tell.If you know what I'm saying? If not, hold on for a bit. You may wanna look for abit just know for sure. Its certainly not a happy ending. But you can pray for one that lasts forever.

"Hey pretty." He greeted. She smiled. "Hey corn." She teased. "What? Its an amazing market."He said. She rolled her eyes as she continued flipping through the magazine that she was looking through. "How are you doing?" She asked after finally getting in contact after a week. He chuckled. "I'm fine. Your the one I'm worried about. How are you?" He asked her. She smiled again. "Your not gonna cry are you?" She asked. He laughed. "Oh no. I'll cry as soon as you say what I want to hear." He said. She could tell he was smiling when he said that. "I'm fine also. Just a bit tired but fine." She said crashing into the pillows on the bed. "Long day?" He asked. "Yes. And my shoulders are killing me." She groaned. "If I was there, I'd solve that problem quick." He said wearing a cheeky smile. She giggled. "Well you can tomrrow night. Get me a massue and book them for 4." She said. He laughed. "Haha. Very funny. Not happening. But I know who would be happy to do that for you." He said. She rolled her eyes. "I mind as well play pee-a-boo with you while your at it." She said. He chuckled.

"What? You think I can't massage your shoulders for you?" He asked. "No not that. Tomrrow night. I seen your schedule. You filled this week lunches. You only have Friday open for me. That's why I said I can only play pee-a-boo with you. We only get glances of one another." She said. He frowned. "How did you know about that?" He asked. "Executive. Hello?" She asked. He nodded even though she couldn't see him. He bit the inside of his cheek holding ontothe words set to leave his mouth. She sighed. "I guess we'll both be really busy this week. But we can totally make it one night." She said. "I wanna take you on a date." He said suddenly. This drew her attention. "Out? Into the public?" She asked. She shivered. It was way too soon. Her heart started to race. And the fact that he was ready to do so made her even more uneasy. "Yes. I'm ready to release it." He said. She sat up completely and stared into space.
"You...You can't." She said. He was confused. "Why not?" He asked. "Because Ross...I don't want the pressure of a relationship weighing on you along with business. That's way too much." She said. He knew something was going on. And she was trying to hide it. "Are you saying I can't handle it or are you say you don't want to be seen with me?" He asked a bit suspicious. "Its not that. Its just that...I...I care about you." She covered up. "So? I care about you too. Why wouldn't you want to be seen with me then if you cared about me?" He asked. She ran her fingers through her hair frustrated. "IT'S NOT THAT I DON'T WANT TO BE SEEN WITH YOU! IT'S THAT I LOVE YOU WAY TOO MUCH TO MAKE YOU GROW THROUGH WITH IT. I LOVE YOU." She said.
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