Chapter 55

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"You know it." She giggled. "You know your adorable." He asked tickling up and down her side. She wiggled. "I know. You told me so. Like a million times." She said. He nodded. "I don't want to be the reason you are fighting your brother." He suddenly said. She looked at him as her feelings of warmth suddenly disappeared. "I thought we got passed that?" She asked flipping over so she was facing him. "We did but I feel like that this is all my fault." He said. "Clearly we didn't." She mumbled and got off his bed. "If you want to talk about Charlie, do so with someone who does." She said picking up her clothes and walking out of the room.

"Hey lady. What are you doing up so early?" Robert asked. "Oh you know. The usual." She said taking a sip of her coffee. He looked at the cup. "You don't usually drink this. What's up?" He asked sitting across from her. "Nothing. Just taking in my next location." She said. He looked at her. "Wait. Wait. Location? I thought we've been over this." He said. She threw her head back and groaned. "Yes. Yes we have. Just like the rest of my actions right?" She asked. He shook. "That's not what I meant." He blinked rapidly. She laughed. "Of course not. Its always not what you mean." She said taking more coffee.

She started to shake. He took the coffee off her hands. "How many cups have you had?" He asked. "Doesn't matter." She said crossing her arms as if she was suddenly cold. "Yes it does. What is the matter?And does sir himself know?" He asked. "You can't be serious." She chuckled. "Lady. I don't think I can leave you all bt yourself. I'll go get sir." He said turning to call him. She tossed the phone out of his hand. "No." She said. "And why not madam?" He asked. "I don't want to talk to him. First I just need this time to myself." She sniffed. He pressed the button on his pager. "Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded and sat down, head down.

"What's the emergency?" He asked. "Sir. It seems as if madam is not feeling well. I caught her drinking a ton of coffee and her reaction to all that caffine in her system wasn't so good. She's passed out on the table and I don't want to disturb her sir." He said. He rubbed his chin. "Thanks Robert. I'll attend to her. You get me a doctor." He ordered. He nodded and disappeared into the hallway. He got up and raced to where she was seated. He sighed and walked over to her.

"Laura....Laur..." He shook her softly. She jumped up quickly. "I'm not hiding anything I swear!" She said fastly. He looked at her confused. "What?" He asked. "Nothing. What are you doing here? This room is reserved this afternoon for me." She said pointing to the door. "Sorry. Our house. Which means also part mine. And there's no way I'm leaving you in here." He said. She rolled her eyes. "Sure. Knock yourself out. I hope you have a good time." She said getting up.

"What is this about?" He asked causing her to stop in her footsteps. "Tell me what it is that is bugging you." He said. He knew her too well. But she knew him far more. "Do you really care?" She asked. "Why would you ask that? Of course I do." He said. She looked down and played with her fingers. "Charlie said I made a mistake. And Robert thinks so too. Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. He rubbed his head. "Tell you what?" He asked. She faced him.

"Why didn't you tell me about all these different places? Are you trying to avoid me?" She asked. "What? No. And I don't know what your talking about." He said. She rubbed her shoulder. "Look its okay. I get it." She said. She walked over pecked his cheek and walked out. He just stood there confused and stunned.She knows more and he definately had to get to the bottom of it. Something in his gut told him that today was not going to end well. Not for her or for him.

"Madam! Madam! Have you seen Master Lynch!?" Robert ran over to her. She looled at him confused. "Last I seen him, he was in his office sending more locations." She rolled her eyes. "Well he's not there. I searched the premises and tried calling the man himself. You were the last to see him Please tell me where good sir is otherwise we are all in serious trouble and danger!" He said shaking her. She shook him off. "Okay.. I get it." She said. "Where was the last place you saw him?" She asked.

"I saw him last with you." He said. "Well then we go and check the room I was last associating with him." She said. She walled out going towards the room. Her heart sank as soon as she seen blood smeared on the walls. Her stomach turned and her gut said stop where she was. She didn't want to stop though. She had to know. Maybe it was just a sick game someone was playing amd he was playing along. She walked closer and peered the door open. There the room was a mess.

Broken glass and furniture. Who would do something like this? Now it didn't matter about her thoughts on the situation. It jist took a whole new turn. She couldn't get it out fast enough. Just maybe because he finally figured it out, he disappeared. She can have it all. Just like he promised her. She can have Lynch and make it even bigger than before but with an ultimate sacrafice. The Master. But this is not how she wanted to win this. He found out. And there is no way in hell, this was gonna last. She picked up the paper on the floor with tears rolling down her cheeks making it hard to read it.

'Find the Master in 48 hours. If not, your next.'
Thank you lovelys! I'm done with this. This shall be away with the rest.Thanks so much! I love you guys! And I hope you enjoyed this. Make sure to get #Sometimelastnight today at Walmart my American fellows! And for my internationals, your retail stores or itunes should be fine.

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