Chapter 41

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She felt a presence beside her. She jumped. "Sh..Its okay.Its okay." He said. She shook and tried to hide even more. "Its okay.I'm here. I'm here." He said wrapping her around a blanket. She started to cry. "Its okay. I got you." He whispered to her. She slowly started to warm up. She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly as her crying intensified.He picked her up. "I'm gonna get you a check up. Sh...Relax. I promise this will all be over." He said. "Whe-re we-re yo-u?" She choked out. He looked down guilty. "Its a-ll yo-ur fa-ult." She said. He knew it was. "I'm sorry." He whispered. She just shook. He held her as tight as he could.

He sat there and watched her as she slept. She was so at peace. He was mad at himself for putting her in a position like this. But he just couldn't shake the feeling off. Guilt, hatred, and shame along with embarassment. But what was he gonna do about it? Nothing really. He had a mission to focus on now. She deserves better. She was completely right. He really did become that ego maniac she said he would. But she said it in a way she wouldn't hurt his feelings. He sighed and paced. He came to the conclusion of ending it himself. He kissed her forehead and walked out the door. "Make sure to keep her under supervision at all times." He ordered. The guard nodded. "Yes sir." He soluted. He nodded and made his way out of the house.

"This may be your only shot huh?" Lynch asked as he approached. "Where's the government when you need them?" He asked. He rolled his eyes. "Why would you do that to her?" Lynch asked. He smirked. "Easy. I wanted to hurt you in the worst way possible. What better way to do that than enjoy your girl? Which reminds me, she was the best. Perfectly imperfect. Sweet curves and--" He was cut off with a fist to the face. Anger and rage boiled up inside of him. He was ready to explode. But of course he needed to keep his cool. "I know how much you care about her.That's why I did it. You'd probably throw away all of your mom's hard work just for a girl. A girl like her. A slut." He said. He gritted his teeth and punched him twice as hard as the first time. The guy just smirked. "She's not a slut. And my mom wouldn't care. As long as I'm happy. That's why she left Lynch to me. Because she knew what kind of trouble I'm against and how easy it would be for me to get rid of it." He said. The guy stared at him not content.

"My mom did everything she could to build it. I made its name become known around every city, state, country, continent, to sea and ocean. She may have worked hard but it wouldn't have been without my intelligence either". He said. He leaned back in the chair and looked at him disapprovingly. He then laughed like it was the most funniest thing in the world. "There was always something my mom wanted. And now I'm gonna give that to her." He said punching the guy as hard as he could. He got off the floor and glared at him. "Abuse of power. Why won't you fight me like a man?" He asked spitting the pool of blood out of his mouth. Lynch looked at his floor, then back up at the guy. "Your not worth my time.Now. Jack." He called over. Jack ran over. "Yes sir?" He asked him. "Its done. Do it." He said and walked out without turning back. Jack looked at the guy. "Alright go." He ordered his team and they all approached the scene.

She coughed as tried to sit up. "No.No." He said running over to her quickly. She jumped at his sudden approach. She had her tense gaze on him but she wanted to hide at the same time. She looked at him as she started to break down once again. "Its okay. Its okay." He said as he went to hug her. She hugged him tightly. "Why?" She asked. "I don't know." He said. She cried. "You didn't save me. You didn't save me." She sniffed. "Why'd you run off like that?" He asked her. "I went to see my parents. Nothing else. I came here afterwards." She told him truthfully. He shook his head. "Stupid. Stupid." He mumbled to himself. She leaned back slowly and wiped off her face while looking at him. She discouraged and looked down. "I'm sorry." She said lowly. He looked at her confused.

"Don't apologise to me. I owe you one. I can't believe I did this to you. Your better than this." He said. "Stop. Just stop." She said facing away from him completely. "Look at me." He directed cupping her face. His touch felt so foreign. She moved away. Her muscles started to tense up. "Relax. Relax. Its only me. Its only Ross." He tried to calm her. She shook her head. "Don't you mean Master Lynch?" She asked coldly. He knew she was hurting so he didn't say anything to her. "Laur...." He cupped her face again. She shook her head.

"No. I don't deserve this. I need to leave." She said. He shook his head. "That's the last thing I want you to do." He said. She shook her head. "No. I want to be happy. I'm not happy. You promised to make me happy but all you've been doing is making me cry. I can't deal with it anymore. Please. Just let me." She ranted. He shook his head disapprovingly. She hugged him tightly. "Please..." She said. He looked away. "No. Not happening." He said. She made him look at her. She rubbed his cheek. "Do what your mom wants." She said. He shook his head. "My mom doesn't want me to give what I love most up." He told her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. You can almost hear their hearts shatter. She cupped his face and rested her forehead against his. She closed her eyes. "I love you." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek. He knew what was next. "Laura...." He said right before she pressed her lips against his for a brief moment. Tears slowly made their way down his face.
I love you? I understand if you don't love me. Comment and Vote!!!!!!!!!!

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