Chapter 29

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She paced back and forth She was ready for the fight. If he was gonna take her down, then he was coming down with her. She didn't care if there was a possiblity of never being close again but she was gonna taken Benton down, even if it meant she goes down with him. She knew what she had to do. "Fine. You want it? Take it."She said holding out her hand. He looked at her a bit shocked. Like he didn't expect her to give up so easily. But she did. Only if he knew exactly how good she was. "Fine. You want the position? Take it. Take all of it." She said then pulling out paper and pen. "Really?" He asked her. She bit her lip. She had to play it safe here. "You do don't you?" She asked. He nodded. "Of course." He said. "Then take my hand. And shake it." She said extending her hand. He looked at it for a bit. She smirked. "Go on." She said. He took it. She squeezed his hand as tight as possible, causing the blood flow to his fingers to stop. She pulled him towards her. "Over my dead body." She whispered and snapped his fingers away from her.

He cried out. "Ow!" He said."You know it as well as I know it." He said holding his bruised hand. She rolled her eyes. "I'll know it when you know it." She said and picked up her paper. "Lynch has it." He said making her freeze. "Take it. He already knows. Robert does too. You won't get far now." He laughed. She turned around and slapped him across the face. He smirked. "Your finished princess." He said. She pulled her bag over her shoulder walked away. He watched her as she walked away. "One day honey. One day my sweet." He said. He then walked off in the opposite direction. Benton was strong. Head strong to be precise. He was gonna take her down, one way or another. If it meant getting what he wanted, he wasn't stopping at nothing.

"We're done talking Tammy. You are waisting my time." He said. "But you know this is a great opportunity not just for you but for Lynch." She said. He rolled his eyes. "I want nothing to do with you. First of all, your a whore. Look it up." He said walking away from her. She gasped. "How dare you!?" She asked following him. "How dare I? I'm speaking the truth." He said continued to stop. "Master!" She called. He continued to walk. He already dealt with her once and twice is the charmer. But this girl just won't quit for some unknown reason. She was a brat. Everything was handed to her. Never worked a day in her life. Total ass kisser if you asked me. Pretty on the out but ugly on the in. Ready to manipulate her way into business. But it wasn't working for her this time. Better luck next time am I right?

She paced back and forth in her room. What could she do? Ben was ahead of her. The article and paper all point the finger right at her. She had no way of backing herself up. What if she explained? He would understand right? This was a while ago so if he heard the truth behind it, he would believe her right? Maybe she should avoid him just for a little bit. To clear things up. Book a flight to Paris? No. It would remind her of him. Japan? Not even. His market is really big over there. How would you avoid a man who is plastered at every freaking corner of the world? And you live with? Kinda awkward don't you think so? Especially if they knew what you were up to. She sighed frustratedly and laid on her bed in an uncomfortable position. "Just take me out of my misery." She mumbled into her pillow.

She ate her snack in peace. No one to bug her today. She had her apples with peanut butter dipping. Its not a fan favorite but hey, people eat what they eat. She didn't see him all day. She was relieved yet a little nervous. Yeah. A little nervous. Okay fine she was terrified. Who wouldn't be? Your loved one can find out at any moment of the day that you betrayed them. But it wasn't betrayal. It was just anger that was being expressed. He'd understand that right? She couldn't and wouldn't believe herself either. Anger? Really?I mean yes. He totally tarnished her mom before knowing her. Other than that, it was pretty much simple stuff. Him over working her. "Ma'am." Michael tapped her shoulder. She looked at him. "Master has advised us that he'd like to speak to you." He told her making her heart jump out of her chest. She weakly smiled and made her way to where she didn't want to be. She usually does but not today.

She slowly walked in. Her palms sweating and sweat dripping off her forehead. She walked in fully and made her way towards her chair name Laura. She sat in it. "I hear you wanted to see me." She said softly. He turned around to face her. This was a business matter and not personal. He had to seperate the two before he could speak. He took a deep breath before proceeding. She waited patiently. She could tell there was anger just waiting to be released. She entwined her hands and looked at him. He paced a for a bit. He stopped as if he had a conclusion. She didn't move or say anything. He reached into his desk and pulled out another copy of the same magazine Ben had. "Now before you say anything......" She started. He threw it at her. She caught it. A guilty feeling crept up on her face. His eyes filled with hurt and anger. She looked at him closely. "Ross....." She pleaded. "Get out." He said. She got up. "Please. Let me explain." She said. His bottom lip poked out and bit the inside of his cheek. "How could you?" He finally spoke. Her throat became dry and she could no longer speak.
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