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Lauren and Abi were currently walking back home from a horrid Halloween party. Abi flicking at the many buttons and zips from her Clarke outfit (from the 100) and Lauren struggling to breathe in her tight corset dressed as Kathrine (from the vampire diaries).

They had just passed by a good looking McDonalds when Abi had suggested they go in. Lauren agreed without hesitation, "I'm hungry anyway"
Abi giggled, "you're always hungry"
"What can I say; food is just great" Lauren shrugged.

 Lauren agreed without hesitation, "I'm hungry anyway" Abi giggled, "you're always hungry""What can I say; food is just great" Lauren shrugged

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"Well there's no arguing with that"

They finished their food and parted to go their separate ways, nodding a silent goodbye.

Lauren was just coming up to her small lit up house when she saw a striking boy dressed in all black. He was walking straight up to her, not bothering to slow down he bumped straight into her. "Dude, watch out! Your stepping on my dress!" Lauren shrieked, "Oh I'm so sorry - wait, you can see me?" He asked.
"Nooo" answered Lauren, her voice laced with sarcasm, "You're only standing right here" she rolled her eyes at the stupid question. The blue eyed boy seemed to check some sort of tattoo on his forearm, "But I drew the rune" he mumbled.
Lauren, confused and tired had enough. She grabbed the boys hand, "Listen, I hate tonne the one to burst your bubble but, just because you get some sort of cool tattoo doesn't mean that you are all of a sudden invisible. Okay?" She smiled, a very forced and sympathetic smile. The boy seemed to look her all over before saying: "I better get you to Mum and Dad"
This was it. Lauren was mentally going over all of the defence moves she had seen on tv and gathered the courage to fight this crazy boy. Sadly, before she had time to try any of these moves the boy had hit her. Hard. And she blacked out. The boy catching her just before she hit the concrete path.

Lauren felt herself regain consciousness but instantly geared voices.
"She saw you? But that's impossible... Unless she's a-"
"Don't be rediculous, she would've seen us before"
Being the curious girl she was, Lauren pretended to be asleep for awhile longer-just to hear some more information.
When it was clear that all their eyes were on her, knowing that she was being examined like some threat Lauren forced her heavy eyelids open and shot forward.

 When it was clear that all their eyes were on her, knowing that she was being examined like some threat Lauren forced her heavy eyelids open and shot forward

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