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When her eyes fluttered open to reveal a dusty room full of antique furniture. A tall, lean women moved into Lauren's vision and raised Lauren's chin with her long, acrylic nails.
"Hello Lauren, my name is Camille" she purred.

Lauren looked up to see a young faced woman wearing a dress which looked a lot older than her. She had green eyes and blonde hair, Camille was now smiling as Lauren looked up at her face seeing razor sharp teeth, exactly like a vampires.

"Your a vampire" Lauren breathed, "Yes, and your a shadow hunter" Camille said, "I'm glad we've figured that out" she stepped closer to Lauren and leaned in so close that Lauren could see every detail in her eyes, showing a lot of history and wisdom

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"Your a vampire" Lauren breathed, "Yes, and your a shadow hunter" Camille said, "I'm glad we've figured that out" she stepped closer to Lauren and leaned in so close that Lauren could see every detail in her eyes, showing a lot of history and wisdom. "Where is your friend" she said. Her long acrylic nails now cutting into Lauren's cheeks. Lauren shifted uncomfortably, "I have no friends" she said, causing Camille to laugh "I've seen you with her, apparently your parabati"
"Okay listen, if you want my friend your gonna have to let me go" Lauren began to struggle against the restraints holding her to the creaky chair. Camille stepped back in amusement  "I'm not that stupid"
"No, seriously, I can't take you to her tied in chair can I?"
"No" Camille pondered and Lauren leaned back in the chair, trying give of relaxed vibes "Well let me go" she said, shrugging. Camille sighed and untied Lauren's arms from the chair, making sure to tie them together behind her back like handcuffs. "Let's go shall we?" She said to Lauren.
If Lauren was 100% honest she didn't have a plan, all she knew was that a dead leg and need the toilet badly. She somehow had to figure out a way to get away from Camille and warn Abi. Oh and also find out Camilles plan, Jace would kill her if she just let Camille go without finding Information.
"Sooo" Lauren looked at Camilles dress, "Where did you get that?" she raised her eyebrows, Camille turned, "It was a gift"
"It's nice"
"I know"
"I like your hair too"
"Thank you"
"And your-" Lauren was cut short as Camille turned sharply "what are you doing?"
"Nothing! I'm just complimenting you"
"Your trying to suck up to me, to get information" Camille pointed at the teen who coughed, "Nooo, I just thought you looked nice" Camille turned back around pushing Lauren ahead, completely ignoring her.

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