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Jace walked Max and Lauren to taki's diner

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Jace walked Max and Lauren to taki's diner.
They all sat in a big booth towards the back, Jace and Lauren ordering spaghetti and Max ordering sweet potatoes.
As the waitress walked away, Jace took out his phone and excused himself, "Max, Lauren, I'll be back in a second I just need to take a call" The two teens nodded their heads and went back to their conversation.
When Jace got outside he quickly dialled Magnus' number. After the third ring there was a click and a familiar "Hello?"
"Hey, magnus it's Jace"
Jace was so confused. He rubbed his forehead and sighed.
"Magnus, calm down, breath in, breath out"
"Ok, well I done the test and laurenisyoursandclar-"
"Magnus! Talk normally"
"Lauren is your daughter"

 "Magnus, calm down, breath in, breath out""Ok, well I done the test and laurenisyoursandclar-""Magnus! Talk normally""Lauren is your daughter"

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Jace almost dropped his phone due to the shock. He had lost his daughter for 13 years and now she's sitting in Taki's diner just a few feet away from him.
"Magnus tell clary to come to taki's , tell her I said I wanted to speak with her ASAP"

While Jace was trying process this information, Lauren and Max we're having a race to see who could eat a bit of spaghetti the fastest. Of course, Max had won.
Lauren crossed her arms, "But yours was shorter!"
"Lol, don't be a sore loser"
"But Maxy!" She said with a pout. Max raised his eyebrows, "that face doesn't work on me, Lol"
"It should, I'm adorable" Lauren said with a smirk.

Max shrugged, "whatever you say, Lol, whatever you say"Just when Lauren was in the middle of a rant about how Max's spaghetti has sauce on it -giving him an unfair advantage, Clary and Jace came fumbling into the small booth

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Max shrugged, "whatever you say, Lol, whatever you say"
Just when Lauren was in the middle of a rant about how Max's spaghetti has sauce on it -giving him an unfair advantage, Clary and Jace came fumbling into the small booth.
Lauren held her heart at the sudden outburst of noise, "What are you guys doin-" They both kept forward and gave her the tightest hug Lauren had ever received. This took Lauren by surprise and she pushed them both back (unfortunately for Jace-hitting him in a valuable area). Least to say, Max wasn't too impressed.
"Maxy! They caught me by surprise!... I'm sorry Jace... I'm sorry Clary" She apologised, looking down at my shoes. "It's ok love" said Clary "did you want to go back to the institute and talk"
"What do you mean talk?"
"You know about your background and family and stuff" Jace said. Max leaned forward, "She doesn't need to say anything if she's not ready yet" he said, taking a protective step in front of a very confused Lauren.
Lauren grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back next to her, "It's okay Maxy" she smiled at him "I'll tell them all they need to know" Clary and Jace wrinkled their eyebrows at this, "Maxy?" Jace smirked. "Oh shut up Jace" Jace opened his mouth in an offended manner, "Maxy! Don't tell me to shut up" Lauren placed her arms on her hips, "Hey! Don't be mean! And for your information-I made the nickname up and I think it's pretty awesome" Lauren laughed, turning to Max, "Maxy and I are going to go now"
Jace tried to stop the stubborn red head, "You can't go-we need to talk"
Lauren, however, just turned and stuck her tongue out, leaving a very speechless Jace.

When the two reached the institute they both agreed to watch a film. Lauren insisted on a Hunger Games marathon and eventually, Max agreed.
They decided on watching it in Max's room. Max was getting the dvd's from the cupboard when Lauren declared that she 'needed to get changed'
"Why do you need to get changed?"
"I need to change into comfy clothes or a onesie if we're going to be on your bed watching films all day"
"Fair enough" shrugged Max.

Max was just setting up the DVD player when he heard a knock on the door. Expecting it to be Lauren, he opened straight away.
"Alec, what are you doing?" Alec looked into Max's room, "I just came to get Lauren, is she here?"
"No" Max sighed, "But can't you speak to her after we've watched a film?"
"No Max, this is important"

 "Alec, what are you doing?" Alec looked into Max's room, "I just came to get Lauren, is she here?""No" Max sighed, "But can't you speak to her after we've watched a film?""No Max, this is important"

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"Okay, she's in her room" Alec turned to walk away, "But don't go in" shouted Max "she's getting dressed". Alec nodded, "Just tell her to go to the library when she's dressed"

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