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Lauren took a deep breath before looking up at Max-who gave a very enthusiastic smile and a quick wave of his hand, telling her to go in.

Lauren smiled back and opened the doors

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Lauren smiled back and opened the doors. Jace and Clary turned from their conversation and smiled. Lauren played around with her nails nervously,
Jace and clary smiled up at me, "hi...um so I guess I'm the stolen baby then?"
"Yeah" Clary said "um we never gave you a name because you were only a couple of days old" she gave a sad smile "but Lauren is a lovely name"
"Thanks clar-mum?" Clara's smile widened at the word "also, is it okay if stay at the institute tonight, Max and I were going to have a movie night" Lauren shrugged. "Of course" smiled Jace.
Lauren gave the two adults awkward hugs and turned to leave-catching sight of Magnus nudging Alec with a smirk. Before opening the door, Lauren turned to smile at her 'parents' and gave a small nod towards Magnus, Alec and Izzy.

When Max and Lauren made there way to Max's room they decided that it was too early to start a movie night so Lauren thought she would pop to Abi's-bringing Max as well.

Lauren knocked on Abi's front door and it slowly opened. As soon as Abi realised it was her, Lauren was dragged inside-leaving Max in the cold.
"Abi!" Said Lauren as she flattened her hair "what are you doing?"

Abi grinned widely, "Are you and" she placed a hand on her forehead trying to remember something "oh god what's-his-face""Max?" Questioned Lauren

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Abi grinned widely, "Are you and" she placed a hand on her forehead trying to remember something "oh god what's-his-face"
"Max?" Questioned Lauren.
"Yeah Max, are you guys dating?"
"No! We're practically related"
"That's why I came here so we can explain it all to you, now if you don't mind" Said Lauren placing a hand on the door handle "I'm gonna let Max in now ok?"
Lauren opened the door and instantly apologised for her friends behaviour. "Don't worry about it" shrugged Max "hey" he looked closer at Lauren's face "you've gone all red" he smirked "no I haven't! You're just seeing things" Lauren took off Max's glasses "here let me clean your glasses" she wiped them at the bottom of her top and handed them back. "Better?"
"Better" he smiled.
"Good. See I wasn't red now was I?"
"You was and you're still a bit red now"
"Just come in the door before I change my mind" Max shook his head and walked through the door, he followed Lauren up to Abi's bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed next to her.
Lauren looked from Max, then to her best friend, "Abi, I need to tell you something" Abi held out her hands " Bring it at me"
It took Lauren a while to explain everything mainly because of Abi's regular gasps and sighs. At the end Abi was just staring between the two shadowhunters with a unpleasant face.

"Omg, I was wrong, I was so very wrong " she said

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"Omg, I was wrong, I was so very wrong " she said. Lauren was confused, "wrong about what?"
"Lauren, I thought you and Max were secretly dating, but he's practically your uncle" At this Lauren and Max both went considerably red in the face. "Um yes, we are related I guess but I don't usually call him my uncle" Lauren looked at Max, "I call him Maxy"
"Yeah and I call her Lol" smiled Max "I don't think of her as my niece"
Abi shrugged "Okay. Now I really want to see this institute you kept talking about" Lauren and Max both got up from the bed and Lauren said "Okay but maybe tomorrow?" She shrugged "I've got to get back"
She told Abi as they made their way back down the stairs towards the front door. Abi waved them goodbye "Okay, bye! And Lauren don't forget the new episode of the 100" Lauren twirled around and looked shocked "Is it even possible to forget such a thing?" She laughed as she walked away from the house back towards the institute.

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