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Abi was waiting excitedly for Lauren to show up for there shopping trip. Once Lauren arrived, they both agreed to drop shopping and watch 'The Duff' at the cinema.
"Oh my gosh!" Said Lauren through a mouthful of popcorn "That film was amazing"
"I know!" Exclaimed Abi "We have to do this more often"
"I know"
"Which leads me" Said Abi, putting her hands on to her hips "To why I haven't seen you at all lately. You haven't even been at school, Lauren"
"Ohhh" sighed Lauren "I've had the flu?"

 You haven't even been at school, Lauren""Ohhh" sighed Lauren "I've had the flu?"

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"The flu?" Abi could tell she was lying. "Yeah" nodded Lauren "You know, the flu" she crossed her arms "I Would've expected you know what the flu was Abi"
"I know what the flu is Lauren"

 "Yeah" nodded Lauren "You know, the flu" she crossed her arms "I Would've expected you know what the flu was Abi""I know what the flu is Lauren"

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"Great-Change of subject" Lauren clapped her hands "let's go shopping"
"SHOPPING SPREE!!!" They both yelled in unison, laughing at the reference.

The two had been shopping for the whole day now and we're just walking up the stone path to Abi's house when Lauren saw Max waving at her from the corner of her eye. She turned and gave a small wave back, careful not to let Abi see. Max may be in a glamour. But it was too late, Abi had saw and she raised her eyebrows, "Who is that? He's hot!"
"You can see him?" Asked Lauren looking between the two. "Well duh, he's in the middle of the street" Just as Abi had finished her sentence, Max strolled up and smiled "Hey Lauren"
"You know Lauren?" Abi smirked
"Abi" Lauren gave her friend a funny look "Its Max"
"Omg! I'm so sorry you look really different without your glasses" Abi apologised
"Yeah, why haven't you got them on?" Asked Lauren.
"Oh, it's a long story but basically I lost them" he turned red from embarrassment and quickly changed the subject, "Anyway, Abi should we go to yours?" He asked. Abi shook her head and pointed at the institute "Lauren, don't you want to go in there?" Max looked at Lauren, who turned to her blonde friend and said "You can see the institute?"
"I think it's clear she can, Lol"
"I'm just checking Maxy"
"Guys, why wouldn't I be able to see the building? You're acting kinda weird" Abi interrupted. After looking at Max one last time, Lauren sighed and said "Abi, I think it's time that you meet my real parents"
"You mean I finally get to meet them?"
"Yes, they live in here" Lauren pointed at the institute and started to walk ahead.

The moment Abi placed her left foot into the institute Jace walked into the hallway with Clary and the two gave Lauren and questioning look, which Lauren answered with a sheepish smile.
Abi looked around, taking in all of the institutes glory before turning to the tall blonde and smaller red head, "Omg, you must be Lauren's real parents!" She walked up to them and shook their hands. Clary was the first to speak "Yeah we are but we didn't-I mean we weren't under the impression that Lauren had told anyone" she confessed. Abi just shrugged and nudged Lauren in the ribs in a friendly manor, "Oh! Me and Lauren tell each other everything"
"I see" nodded Jace. Before things could get too awkward to bear Lauren interrupted, "Um..We brought Abi here because she could see the institute and Max. But I don't Max had a glamour on so I don't think that's important but still, she could still see the institute and we think you should explain everything to her" she concluded.
"Basically we thought that you should deal with this" Added Max, "basically" Lauren whispered behind him.

Clary and jace took Abi into the library and explained everything, Magnus completed another one of his secret DNA tests again. But this time the results shocked them all...

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