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It's been a month since the battle and everyone was getting g ready for Lukes funeral.
He was injured badly in the fight and was unable to heal fast enough to survive.

Lauren was getting ready for the funeral when Alec walked in to her room. He saw her subconsciously trying to cover the scar on her neck with a scarf. "I don't think this is working" she said "Maybe I should try makeup?"
Alec walked over to the younger girl, he always thought of her as a niece or younger sister. "If you ask me" he said, taking the scarf and makeup out of her hands, "I don't think you need to cover it up"
"It's horrible, it shows that I was weak"
"It shows that you survived, you should be proud of that" he hugged her for a while and whispered in her ear, "Never try to cover up the things that show you survived, otherwise, what's the point of surviving?" Lauren hugged him tighter and then let go. "We have to leave soon" he said
"I'll be there in a minute" Lauren answered.

Lauren walks out of her room and outside of the institute where Tessa, Jem and Jonathan were waiting for her

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Lauren walks out of her room and outside of the institute where Tessa, Jem and Jonathan were waiting for her. "Are you ready, love?" Asked Jem. Lauren smiled, "Yes dad"
Lauren got in the car and the drive to the ceremony.
After the ceremony and meal Lauren saw Abi and Jonathan walk over to her. Jonathan wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head. "I'm so happy for you too" Abi said, "You finally have a family!" Lauren smiled, looking at Tess and Jem, "I'm happy too"
"And not only that" Abi added, "Your finally dating Max!" As if on que, Max walked up to them and put him arm around Lauren, "It looks like we all turned out okay in the end" he said, "I'm happy to call you guys my family"
"Group hug!" Screeched Abi and Lauren, the two girls pulled the boys into a tight bear hug "I love you guys" They all said.

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