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Lauren walked into to taki's with Max hot on her heels. She found Abi instantly, she was sitting in a back booth with a blonde haired boy. Lauren looked at Max with a look of utter disgust.

"Ok" said Max "now you know why you ditched you now can we go?""No, I want to go sit over there" Lauren pointed to the booth directly next to the one which was occupied by her friend and the boy

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"Ok" said Max "now you know why you ditched you now can we go?"
"No, I want to go sit over there" Lauren pointed to the booth directly next to the one which was occupied by her friend and the boy. Max looked worried "Lol, I don't think that's a good idea" Lauren sighed "Maxy, your not a girl, you don't understand, now come on, let's take a seat" she grabbed his hand again and pulled him to the booth.
Lauren slid into the booth, Max opposite her. She coughed really loudly a few times until she gained Abi's attention. The girl turned at the sound of the annoying noise and her face dropped. She tired to cover it up by playing it cool.

"Oh, hi Lauren I didn't expect to see you here" Lauren gave a fake smile "Me neither! It's such a coincidence!" she heard Max laugh and a small smile appeared on her face

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"Oh, hi Lauren I didn't expect to see you here" Lauren gave a fake smile "Me neither! It's such a coincidence!" she heard Max laugh and a small smile appeared on her face. She lead forward, placed her hand on her chin and said "since we're here why don't you introduce me to your friend" she looked at the blonde boy, then back to Abi "who is a boy" the boy turned around and said "my name is Jonathan, Abi's boyfriend" If Lauren was drinking she would've choked instantly. Abi's boyfriend. She couldn't believe her ears. Abi turned to her friend "I'm sorry I didn't tell you Lauren, I know we promised to tell each other when we get a boyfriend but I didn't know how you would take it"
"It's ok, I have a boyfriend but I didn't want to tell you either" Lauren said in a high pitched voice. She was starting to panic, it was too late to take it back, she's already said it. "Really? Who?" asked Abi. Lauren was really starting to panic now.

"Max!" Lauren squealed, almost breaking under pressure

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"Max!" Lauren squealed, almost breaking under pressure. Abi raised her eyebrows "Max?"
"Yeah, Max is my boyfriend aren't you Max?" Lauren looked at him hopefully. Max blushed then said "I guess so"

 Max blushed then said "I guess so"

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(Ignore the demon eyes lmao)

"Omg, Lauren you guys are perfect for each other!" Abi yelled. Lauren grabbed Max's hand and dragged him along, shouting behind her "Haha yeah now we have to go, bye!"
"Bye" shouted Abi back. Lauren heard her whisper to Johnathan "Look they're holding hands! I always knew they'd get together"

Once the two of them where outside Lauren sighed and put her head in her hands. Max looked at her "'Max is my boyfriend' really? That was a great plan Lol one of your best" he gave her a sarcastic thumbs up.

"I panicked!" Defended Lauren "And I can just tell Abi that we ended things because we're just friends""Fine whatever" sighed Max, he looked at something behind Lauren's shoulder "wait is that Magnus with a dog?!""Omg my dog" Lauren turned "what h...

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"I panicked!" Defended Lauren "And I can just tell Abi that we ended things because we're just friends"
"Fine whatever" sighed Max, he looked at something behind Lauren's shoulder "wait is that Magnus with a dog?!"
"Omg my dog" Lauren turned "what has Magnus done to it?"
"He's got it a tu-tu "
"I can see that"
"And a glitter bow"
"I can see that too"
"And...a sparkly collor and lead"
"I can see that as well, I think I need to save my dog now, see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, good luck"
"Ha, why would I need luck?"
"Well when you tell Magnus not to use glitter or sparkles, well he doesn't take it well" Max laughed.

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