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Max and a very unimpressed Lauren

[EDITED]Max and a very unimpressed Lauren

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were making there way to the library.
Once the finally walked through the heavy doors, they were greeted with many staring eyes. Lauren felt very uncomfortable, "What are you staring at?" Lauren looked down at her pug onesie "I know these aren't official shadowhunter attire but they're really comfortable"
"It's about something else Lauren" Jace patted the space between him and Clary "I think you should sit down"
At this point Lauren was rummaging through her mind thinking of all the things she'd done wrong, she couldn't come up with anything apart from the little incident in the diner.
While Lauren stood there blankly-clearly not having any intention of sitting down, Jace carried on.
"Lauren I know this is going to be a big shock, but Clary and I got Magnus to do a DNA test to see which Shadowhunter family you belonged to-"
"So that's why he took my hair" Lauren mumbled, "what was that?"
"Oh nothing, carry on Jace"
"Um what I'm trying to say is that we got the results back and um-"
"Your our daughter!" Clary squealed
"It can't be" Lauren mumbled before speedwalking out of the library to my room.

 "Lauren I know this is going to be a big shock, but Clary and I got Magnus to do a DNA test to see which Shadowhunter family you belonged to-""So that's why he took my hair" Lauren mumbled, "what was that?""Oh nothing, carry on Jace""Um what I'm ...

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"I should go to her" Jace said but Max quickly stood up in front of him "I should go" Jace hesitated for a moment before nodding his head in agreement.
Max knocked on Lauren's bedroom door a few times but he could hear no answer. He was determined not to give up so he gave one final knock and held his ear to the door.
He heard shuffling before the door was creaked open and a quiet voice emerged from the gap, "Max?"
"It's just me Lol" With this Lauren opened the door and threw herself onto Max and hugged him-Max hugging back without hesitation.
When they finally let go of each other, Lauren walked back and sat on the end of her bed, patting a space next to her for Max to sit down as well.
Max sat down and sighed, "Lol, I know it's a lot to take in bu-"
"A lot to take in? I just found out that they are my parents, which also means that my 'real parents' aren't my mum and dad" Tears started to fall down her cheeks "hey, don't cry" Said Max, wiping them with his thumbs. Lauren shrugged, "I know it's stupid, but they never told me, I grew up thinking that they were my family, you know- my real family- and now I know that's not true and what am going to do when I go home tonight? 'Hey, I know your not my parents because I just met my real family' that's going to sound great isn't it"
"You can stay here tonight, we can bring out duvets down to the lounge and have a movie night, yeah?"
"Yeah, that sounds good... Thanks maxy"
"No problem Lol... Do you want to come with me back to the library?"
"Um...will you stay with me the whole time?"
"Is that even a question?"
She smiled and grabbed my arm "come on then"

will you stay with me the whole time?""Is that even a question?" She smiled and grabbed my arm "come on then"

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