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Magnus had gathered everyone in the library and once everyone was seated he stood up "drum roll please!" He announced. No one did. Once he shot Alec a deathly glare.

Alec started patting his knees at lightning speed

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Alec started patting his knees at lightning speed. He smiled and turned around to the rest, "I have the results!" Lauren leant forward on the sofa she was sharing with Max, "So tell us!"
"Lol" Max placed a hand on her knee "be polite" Lauren smiled "Please, I'm always polite" and turning back to address Magnus "Is Abi a shadow hunter or not?"
"Yes" said Magnus "She is a Herondale but-" but Lauren did not hear what as she stood up as her and Abi started screeching "Omg we're twins!!" But before they had time to even begin there victory dance Jace stood up "Wait, Clary and I only had one daughter, there must be a mistake-"
"If anyone would let me finish" Magnus bellowed "I was going to say that for extra precautions I took another one of Lauren's hairs to try again and well..."
"And what?" Lauren now had only one cheek on the edge of the sofa. "Lauren, be patient" whispered Max. "Laurenisnotaherondalesheisa-" Magnus started "What?" Yelled everyone in the room. Magnus sighed and continued with a small, sad smile at Lauren "Lauren, I'm sorry but you're not a Herondale" Everyone's mouths instantly formed the cartoon 'o' like shape, Magnus continued "Just let it sink in..wait for it to process.." he rambled.
"Then that means she's not-" Jace whispered in disbelief, "No Jace she's not your daughter"
"What family does she belong to then?" Clary interrupted. But Lauren did not stay to find out, she got up, pulling her hand from Max's as he tried to stop her and walked out of the library.

She walked all the way out of the institute but didn't stop there, she didn't have a destination in mind but just let her feet take her wherever

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She walked all the way out of the institute but didn't stop there, she didn't have a destination in mind but just let her feet take her wherever. She ended up sitting under a tall tree, maybe a willow? She thought. She slid down and stretched her legs in front of her and let all of the events from the last hour sink in.
She felt herself slowly begin to fall into a peaceful sleep. She really ought to go back to the institute she thought but sleep got the best of her.

She woke up to something wet touching her hand. She instantly shot up, thanks to her new shadow hunter reflexes, and immediately found her face making contact with the crunchy grass. Lauren looked up and found herself face-to-face with a raven haired, wolf-like dog. Lauren carefully extended a hand out to the dog and let the thick fur run through her fingers. After looking for the dogs collar, which she did not find, Lauren got up and did what any responsible adult would do.
Meanwhile, Abi was being shown all of Clary and Jace's photo albums of her as a baby. After, Max showed her to her new room at the institute.
The two were now awkwardly sitting on the edge of her new bed. "So.." Abi started "I guess this makes you my 'unofficial, official uncle' now?"
"I suppose so" laughed Max. Abi turned to face him "That means you can date Lauren" Max was clearly taken aback by the blunt comment and he now shockingly resembled a tomato.

 "What?" He stuttered "Why would I date Lauren, we're just friends""Whatever you say max, whatever you say" And with one final smirk over her shoulder, Abi walked into the library to find Izzy

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"What?" He stuttered "Why would I date Lauren, we're just friends"
"Whatever you say max, whatever you say" And with one final smirk over her shoulder, Abi walked into the library to find Izzy.

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