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The three young shadowhunters we currently huddled on the back table of an old mundane coffee shop.
"Guys" Abi put her coffee down on the table, making Max look up from cleaning his glasses and Lauren to turn her head away from the window. "I have a plan" she stated and Lauren sighed "Is this going to be like the many times you said you had a plan but you didn't and got us both in trouble?" She asked sarcastically causing Abi to place a hand on her heart "That was a great plan, okay?"

 "I have a plan" she stated and Lauren sighed "Is this going to be like the many times you said you had a plan but you didn't and got us both in trouble?" She asked sarcastically causing Abi to place a hand on her heart "That was a great plan, oka...

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"Sure it was" replied the redhead. Max laughed and Abi coughed, making sure all attention was back on her before she started "Okay, this is what's going to happen ... "
After Abi explained the plan - which consisted of distractions and tricks and if not done correctly a month-long grounding and lecture from their parents.
Max and Abi went the long way around the building Jace and the others had gone into while Lauren went through the front doors, quickly fixing up her makeup and hair.

 Max and Abi went the long way around the building Jace and the others had gone into while Lauren went through the front doors, quickly fixing up her makeup and hair

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Max gripped his sword and stepped in front of Abi as they entered through the back. Max's heart skipped a beat when he saw Lauren, she was talking to men, flirting even, but that wasn't the worse of it, the men had blue eyes and evil demonic features.

What the hell is she thinking? Max thought, he was about to head over there when he caught her eye, she gave him the look that said 'I'm fine

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What the hell is she thinking? Max thought, he was about to head over there when he caught her eye, she gave him the look that said 'I'm fine. Just carry on with the plan' So that's what he did.
As Lauren loured the 'men' towards the back room allowing Abi and Max to interrogate them, if they weren't the demon that hurt Alec, they would either let them go or kill them if they were found guilty of any other crimes. This carried on for a while before a blue haired, green eyed boy came through holding Lauren's hand, she gripped him and shoved him towards her two friends.
After a very long time and a unnecessary amount of blood spilled he confessed, he told the trio who he was working for and what they wanted.
After that they ended him swiftly and headed home to plan their next move (and check on Alec).

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