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Lauren knocked on Jonathan's door multiple times before she got an answer. She heard shuffling then the door opened to reveal the blondes messy hair. Lauren took a moment to realise just how alike they looked. Apart from the hair. They had the same structured cheeks and green, opal eyes.
Jonathan waved his hand in front of his sisters face "What's up? I was sleeping" He then stumbled backwards a few steps as Lauren unexpectedly hugged him "I missed you" she let go and headed towards his messy bed "and I wanted to speak to you"
"Abi" Lauren smirked as her brothers cheeks slowly turned red and he came to sit crossed legged on the bed with her "Did she mention anything about me?" He asked casually. Lauren played with the ankle part of her leggings, smirking "Well, no but I do think that she likes you"
"Likes me?" Jonathan shifted to face her. Lauren raised her eyebrows "Yeah, she like likes you"
"Like likes me?" Lauren raised her arms in frustration of her clueless brother "By the angel Jonathan! She has a crush on you!"
"Oh" he turned into a tomato and went silent. Lauren sighed "Jonathan...I just need to know if you like her because if you don't then you should just tell her now because if you leave it until later then it will hurt her more and she's my best friend and my parabati and your my brother so it would great if you did date, I mean I totally ship it, but if you hurt her I mean I won't be afraid to kill you" she said, looking up at him she saw that he was laughing. Laughing! "Jonathan! This is serious!"

"I know but your funny when you talk to fast" He looked straight into her eyes and said "and I do like Abi, but I never asked her out because I thought she didn't like me""We'll she does""I know that now" he laughed "Maybe ill ask her on a date to...

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"I know but your funny when you talk to fast" He looked straight into her eyes and said "and I do like Abi, but I never asked her out because I thought she didn't like me"
"We'll she does"
"I know that now" he laughed "Maybe ill ask her on a date tonight?"
"Yas! John that's perfect!"
"Don't call me John"
"I won't" Lauren hugged him one last time and ran outside to update Abi, "Love you!" She shouted. "Right back at ya sis!" He shouted as she closed his door.


Lauren was speed walking through the long halls of the institute, calling for her parabati when she was suddenly facing the carpet

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Lauren was speed walking through the long halls of the institute, calling for her parabati when she was suddenly facing the carpet. She turned to look at what she had tripped over-a crease in the rug. She mentally cursed herself, trying to get up but once again, she was face to face with the same carpet.
"Oh, Lol I'm so sorry! I was just trying to help you up" Lauren looked up and saw Max "Hey Maxy" she laughed "You really need to stop knocking me out, especially if we're going to be fighting a war together" Max laughed and held his hand out for her to take "Why were you in such a rush anyway?" Taking his hand, Lauren pulled herself of the ground "I was looking for Abi, I need to tell her some important information" the boy raised his eyebrow "and I'm sorry Maxy but I can't tell you, it's a secret" Lauren quickly added. Max made a face.

"Let me guess, 'girly things'" he mimicked in a high pitched voice

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"Let me guess, 'girly things'" he mimicked in a high pitched voice. Lauren laughed and nodded and the two of them went looking for the blonde.
Once they found her, Lauren took Abi to her room to tell her what had happened and to help her get dressed.

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