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Abi and Max led the way home, followed by a frustrated Lauren holding fist fills of wipes trying to get rid of the makeup on her face while trying to balance her phone in another hand for a mirror.
Just as Lauren was stuffing the multiple wipes back into her small bag Abi slowed down to walk with her.
After a few moments silence Abi sighed and whispered "What do you think we should do about the whole ... situation?"

She looked up at Lauren with wide eyes

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She looked up at Lauren with wide eyes. Lauren sighed.
The situation was that vampires and warlocks are working together to get shadowhunters blood. Abi's blood. This is because more vampires are finding out about how Simon became a day lighter after drinking Jace's blood. They then tried to recreate what happened with random shadowhunters - leading to no results. After a while warlocks got involved and came to the conclusion that it only worked as Jace has a larger amount of angel blood in him than the average shadowhunter due to Valentines experiments. After being told this crucial information, the vampires are now out to get the child of two shadowhunters born with excessive amounts of angel blood, seeming as she will inherit both their blood combined. Abi.
Lauren placed a reassuring arm around her best friend and gave her a tight side hug. "Ive had time to come up with a plan while trying to scrub the makeup of my face" she said. Abi made a face, seeming unconfident in her friend. Lauren sighed, "Listen, your uncle is madly in love with the high warlock of Brooklyn so we have an advantage against some low time warlocks and as for the vampires we can go to the clave, they are technically breaking the accords." Abi raised her eyebrows at the mention of the Clave. Lauren continued "And because the clave are idiots and probably won't do anything I came up with a plan B which goes like this; We get all suited and booted and runed up and confront the clan leader. We then kill them and the rest of the clan will be lost without a leader, so while they're trying to keep their clan together we can make an alliance with the werewolves, Maia is their pack leader and she's super nice, and we then get a few warlocks on our side and maybe even get the seelie queen on our side, she has a sweet spot for your dad" Lauren winked while Abi grimaced "and we declare a fight on the vampires" Lauren clapped and turned to fully face the blonde. Abi stood with her mouth wide open, "First of all, it sounds like your planning WW3 and second, how on earth do you know all of this?" She questioned. Lauren shrugged, "I do my research, it gets really boring in that institute you know" After the the two sped up to join Max and they made their way silently home.

The three shadowhunters entered the institute to five unhappy faces,
"Where the hell did you go." Shouted Jace
"We were so worried!" Added Clary
"I thought your dad was gonna kill me for loosing you" said Simon
"Wait a minute.." Mumbled Magnus
"You went demon hunting!" Screeched Izzy.
Lauren looked at Abi then Max oh boy, they were in big trouble

 Lauren looked at Abi then Max oh boy, they were in big trouble

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