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Lauren woke up and completed her normal daily routine. Showering, getting dressed, ignoring her messy hair and heading towards the kitchen to get food.
She opened the cupboard and grabbed a bowel for her cereal. Luckily Izzy didn't cook breakfast in advance today as she didn't feel as though she had the heart to eat it out of kindness today.
Bringing her bowl, she headed to the library and grabbed a book, placing herself on a comfy armchair. She continued to eat and read, feeling completely tranquil.
After she had finished, she placed the book back on the shelf and headed back to the kitchen to wash up her bowl. Heading through the door she saw Abi and Max sitting on the table in deep conversation. Lauren didn't know why but she felt her heart wrench at the sight. Tossing her bowl in the sink (not bothering to wash up as previously planned) and sat down next to Max on the table "Hey guys" she greeted. Max turned and smiled "Morning" they both answered. Lauren almost sighed in relief when she found they were talking about the crazy-vampire problem. Lauren was just in the middle of mentally telling herself to get a grip when Jace walked in, followed by Alec.
Lauren got up from the table and gave him a huge hug. "Im so glad you're okay" she whispered. Alec hugged her tighter and whispered back "What can I say.. It takes a bit more than a greater demon to defeat this" he let her go and pointed to himself making everyone giggle.
After a few more 'we're glad you're okay' chats, Jace declared that he brought Alec to witness us all train. It took some negotiating and promises of 'three free lunches from taki's ' to get the three tried shadowhunters to agree but in the end they all headed towards the training room.
After a few solid hours of fighting and Lauren looking over her shoulder to see Jace and Alec nodding and in deep conversations Jace finally said they could stop. "Meet is in the library after you're showered" he said before him and Alec left.
Lauren showered again and headed there with Abi. She said "Shouldn't we be actually fighting demons not being stuck in here being watched by your weird dad, I mean there's a crazy vampire clan after you and we haven't even completed part one of the plan!"
"I know" Abi sighed "Do you think we should tell my Dad, I mean from what I've heard Dad and Mum and that used to bend the rules when they were younger, maybe we can trust them not to tell the clave?"
"Yeah, we should bring it up when he talks to us in the library" the two reached the library, they exchanged nods for confirmation of the plan as they headed in.
Jace was worried. He worried about how the girls would react to the idea of becoming parabati. He just about to turn to Alec to ask if it was too late to change their mind when a red head and blonde came through the library doors laughing about some inside joke. All worry was removed from Jace's mind the moment he saw them together. They looked as though they already were parabati.
The two girls sat down next to each other on the red sofa. After a few moments of tapping her knee with her nervous hand,, Lauren spoke "Soo?" She questioned "I don't know what you think we've done but I can promise you that we did not mean it" Abi stomped the heal of her foot on Lauren's toes and coughed. "What Lauren means is that we haven't done anything so we're a tad bit confused as to why you called us here"
"We want to tell you about being parabati" Alec said suddenly. Lauren coughed and leaned forward "Parabati-what?"
"Parabati" Jace repeated. He began to pull up his top to show his parabati tune when Lauren suddenly covered her and Abi's eyes "Whoa! Stop I don't want to see that! Your WAY to old for me and your daughter is my Bestfriend and you have a wife, who is lovely by the way and really loves you and-" Jace threw his hands up in the air, "Lauren! I'm trying to show you a rune, not strip! By the Angel!"
"I'm sorry but you really shouldn't pull your top down like that without explaining why" Lauren crossed her arms. "SOOO.. Now that that's all cleared up" Abi said, "What is a Parabati?" She asked.
Alec and Jace carefully explained everything and waited anxiously for their reply.
"Wait" said Abi, "So if we do become Parabati.." She looked at Lauren, "We can be bestfriends for life!" They both shouted. Jace laughed then nodded, "So do you want to be Parabati?" Alec asked nervously. The two girls both nodded like crazy and ran out of the library saying how awsome it would be and how cool and how they can't wait.

 The two girls both nodded like crazy and ran out of the library saying how awsome it would be and how cool and how they can't wait

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