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Lauren was getting all of the gossip from Izzy as she did her makeup. Some of which was quite interesting to Lauren, like:
Once Jace and Clary thought they were brother and sister, but they're actually not.
Izzy and Simon are dating.
Alec and Magnus are dating.
But what really caught Lauren's attention was the fact that Jace and Clary had a baby but it was kidnapped in the night when she was just 3 days old. Izzy said that they are still trying to find out who took her to try and get her back.
After what seemed like forever Izzy finally announced she was done, stepping back to admire her job in the mirror. Lauren leaned forwards to take a closer look and smiled "Izzy you're amazing!" She stood up and hugged Izzy "I love it" Izzy rubbed her back "you're welcome sweetie"
They let go and Lauren started walking towards the door turning to say "I'm going to go get Max" Izzy smirked and said "Go get 'em tiger"

 Lauren leaned forwards to take a closer look and smiled "Izzy you're amazing!" She stood up and hugged Izzy "I love it" Izzy rubbed her back "you're welcome sweetie"They let go and Lauren started walking towards the door turning to say "I'm going...

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Lauren rolled her eyes and started to make her way down the long corridors.
Lauren was just about to knock on Max's door when she heard a dramatic gasp behind her. She turned to see Magnus, hand over his mouth, "What did you do to your hair? It's horrible" Lauren stroked her hair, twirling the bottoms nervously "Izzy did it, I think it looks quite nice"
"Well I don't" huffed Magnus "Let me fix it" he ignored Lauren's protests and pulled the clip out of her hair, grabbing a few stands of hair aswell. "Ow! Did you just pull some of my hair out?" Shouted Lauren, rubbing the back of her head.

"Did I?" Smirked Magnus, he looked at the strands of auburn hair in his hand, shrugging and walking away mumbling "I just I'll just have to get a few strands from each of them now"Ignoring Magnus' strange behaviour, Lauren turned back around and k...

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"Did I?" Smirked Magnus, he looked at the strands of auburn hair in his hand, shrugging and walking away mumbling "I just I'll just have to get a few strands from each of them now"
Ignoring Magnus' strange behaviour, Lauren turned back around and knocked on Max's door. After a few seconds of shuffling, the door opened to a messy haired Max, he had obviously just woken up from a nap.
"Oh Lauren! I didn't expect you to be that fast, Izzy usually takes forever to finish her own makeup" Lauren laughed at the state of his bed-head and said "she did take forever but you don't know because you were asleep"
"Haha very funny" he seemed to look around, squinting to look for something, "I don't suppose you can see my glasses anywhere?" He asked her. Lauren walked in and grabbed his glasses from his bedside table, placing them on his head "here" Max straightens the glasses and smiled, "Thanks Lol"
"What did you just call me? Lol? That's not a name"
"I know it's not a name but I thought it would be a cool nickname you know Lauren - Lol"
"Okay whatever floats your boat" laughed Lauren "but I'm gonna make you a nickname aswell"
"Because it's only fair" shrugged Lauren. Max crossed his arms "fine, but good luck topping Lol"
"Anyways" said Lauren changing the subject while she thought of a cool name, "What do you think?" She twirled around to show Max her new makeover.

"you look great! Izzy did a good job" said Max, smiling at her

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"you look great! Izzy did a good job" said Max, smiling at her.
"Thanks maxy "
"Yeah, it's your new nickname... Or how about maxi or moo or mash or-"
"Maxy is fine" he said smiling.
They both decided to sit on Max's bed and watch a bit of tv.
"I think we should go make some lunch" max said after a while, turning the tv of "I'm starving!"
"Isn't izzy making some lunch?" Asked Lauren. Max made a face and said "Well if you're going to eat her lunch then you better hope you have a strong stomach" Lauren sat up "Surely she isn't that bad at cooking?"
"Oh but it is that bad" Laughed Max, Lauren stood up "Okay, but you don't exactly look like you'd be any better at cooking" she said crossing her arms, Max shrugged "True, I can't cook five star meals but I can cook a mean cheese sandwich"
"Okay, cheese sandwich it is then" smiled Lauren.
Lauren got up and turned, only to see Max laying back down on the bed, "What are you doing?" She crossed her arms. "I don't think I can..the pain, Lol, the pain is too bad I must've hurt it more than I thought when we raced" Lauren saw right through his little act, "Max, I'm not making lunch for you"
"But Lol, it hurts"
"That's it" Lauren grabbed his ankle and dragged him out of his room, she had just made it to the kitchen when she bumped into Jace.
"Whoa! You've fallen out already?" He laughed, Lauren shrugged, "He promised me a cheese sandwich but the said his leg hurts but I don't know where anything is so he has to make them. And obviously he's faking so I thighs I would just bring him here myself"
Jace cupped a hand on his mouth, "Lauren! Max's leg is bleeding! He wasn't joking" Lauren pulled her hair behind her ears and started to panic, "oh no oh no, Max? Are you okay?" She turned to Jace, "Is there some sort of nurse? Or a first aid kit? What are you laughing! He's hurt!" That's when Max placed a hand on Lauren's shoulder, laughing, "It was just a joke"
"Haha very funny" she pushed Max and said "Bow you owe me a proper lunch"
Jace and Max shared a look. Max turned to Lauren, "We're going to take you to taki's diner"
"Taki's ?"
"Yeah, it's a sort of shadowhunter and downworlder diner" explained Jace "You'll love it, they do great spaghetti"
"I love spaghetti!" Said Lauren, Jace smiled and grabbed his coat, turning back to the two teens he said, "get your coats, we going now before Izzy finds out, she'll take forever go get ready"
Lauren and Max ran to their rooms to grab their coats. Lauren stopped as she went to open her door, realising that her coat was in Max's room.
She walked to his door and knocked gently, she heard him shout, "Come in!" Lauren opened the door and came face to face with Max, he held out her coat, "I thought you might want this" he said, "Thank you" smiled Lauren as Max helped her put it on.
Buttoning her last button, Lauren titled her head towards the door, "Lets go, I want to see if the spaghetti really is good" Max laughed and opened the doors for her.

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