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"Lets go!" Bellowed Jace's familiar voice.
Ten minutes in, Lauren had come to the conclusion that this was utter hell. She now knew that this was Jace's passive-aggressive way of punishing them. Jace had made them run laps until they physically couldn't go on anymore. Then he gave each of them a weapon that they work with best;
Lauren got the bow and arrow.
Abi the whip.
Max two long blades.
After a bit of target practice they teamed up and fought against Jace, Clary and Izzy.
At first they were getting destroyed but then they just seemed to work together like a well oiled machine, Lauren and Abi were taking on Izzy and Jace while Max was fighting Clary, he was the bomb.
Afterwards, when Jace was satisfied with their fighting the three of them left dragging their feet all the way to the library where they collapsed. Max falling asleep.

-Jace turned to Clary while fitting the blades on the wall "I've got to give it to them, they're good" Clary nodded in agreement and answered "Guys" everyone turned "I think we should introduce Lauren and Abi to the whole 'parabati' thing

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Jace turned to Clary while fitting the blades on the wall "I've got to give it to them, they're good" Clary nodded in agreement and answered "Guys" everyone turned "I think we should introduce Lauren and Abi to the whole 'parabati' thing. I mean they've known each other their whole lives and they work perfectly together while fighting" she gestured to Jace "It was like watching you and Alec fighting!" Jace nodded and Izzy clapped her hands and smiled.

"This is going to be interesting"

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"This is going to be interesting"

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