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Abi needed to make sure that Jace didn't go into the room until she was sure that Lauren and Max had found a safe hiding space - knowing them, that could be forever.
Abi was currently taking Jace down every corridor she could pretending that she was still 'getting used to the institute' but it was clear that Jace was losing his patience, he turned to her "Abi, I love you but I don't have all the time in the world and I know that you know that we have pasted my room three times" Abi pretended to be shocked

Abi was currently taking Jace down every corridor she could pretending that she was still 'getting used to the institute' but it was clear that Jace was losing his patience, he turned to her "Abi, I love you but I don't have all the time in the wo...

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"Really, I could've sworn Your room was just up...there" Abi tried to lie but Jace could read her like a book, "I'm going to get your mums stele - and maybe you can take notes of what corridors we walk down, you know for future reference"
"Uh...yeah sure"

Jace was just about to walk in his room when Izzy walked past, she tapped him on the shoulder and asked what he was doing, "I'm getting Clary's stele for Abi, what are you doing?"
"Oh...well I'm just-" Izzy coughed, Lauren had told her to cough when Jace was about to walk into the room so she could start recording.

It was awkward silence in the wardrobe when Lauren heard Izzy's cough, she nudged Max because he was clearly falling asleep "God Max, I swear you can sleep literally anywhere" she whispered, he just laughed. Lauren then clicked record on her phone and as if on cue Jace walked in the room.
Abi couldn't walk into the room so she just stayed behind her aunt Izzy.
Through the gap Max could see everything. At first Jace didn't seem to notice the duck, he was just going through his draws looking for something when he tensed.

He saw it

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He saw it. The bloodthirsty creature. Being careful not to startle it he grabbed a blade from his weapons belt and got ready to attack. However, the small duck let out a quack that Jace was not ready for. "IZZY! ISABELLE LIGHTWOOD GET HERE NOW! A cREATURE IS TRYING TO KILL ME" he bellowed. Izzy just laughed. Jace thought he now had to take matters into his own hands. Alec had told him how to handle these situations but Jace never listened to his parabati, he raised the blade and threw it aiming right at the beast.
Lauren was horrified! She saw Jace lift the blade and ran in front of the fluffy duckling and shielded it.
Lauren heard gasps from everyone in the room, at first she was confused but then she looked down at her leg, in her thigh was a blade and blood was oozing out of the deep cut, "Well" She looked up at the golden haired boy "Do you reckon I could borrow a stele?"

Lauren heard gasps from everyone in the room, at first she was confused but then she looked down at her leg, in her thigh was a blade and blood was oozing out of the deep cut, "Well" She looked up at the golden haired boy "Do you reckon I could bo...

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