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Nobody spoke for what felt like hours.
Finally, Jace broke the silence. Stuttering from shock her said "Wait..are you sure you're the real Jonathan Wayland. He died in a fire"

Jace was having trouble believing the kid as he, himself had believed he was Jonathan Wayland for many years

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Jace was having trouble believing the kid as he, himself had believed he was Jonathan Wayland for many years.
"Yes I am Jonathan Wayland, the real son of Michael Wayland... If you don't believe me look" the boy showed Jace his hand and on his ring finger was the real Wayland family ring. "Ok so say you are the real Jonathan Wayland, isn't your father you know...dead?" Jace looked at the boy, eyes pitiful. Jonathan smiled sadly "He is, my mother saved me and brought me up in the mundane world, she still taught me everything that I would learn as a shadowhunter but she knew not to let me go to idris, it would be too risky" he said "we weren't ready to explain our story to anyone yet"
"When were you and your mother planning on telling everyone your 'story'"
"After Mother had the baby"
"The baby?"
"Yes my mum fell pregnant with a baby girl, we were going to move back to idris and explain everything when she was born"
"And I'm guessing things didn't go to plan?"
"No, they did not"
"What happened"
"Mother fell sick a few days after my little sister was born, she said it was best for me to stay hidden and for the baby to be given to some one else"
"Who did you give the baby to?"
"We left her on the steps of the Manhattan Adoption place" Before Jace could question Jonathan's story further, Lauren stepped forward and asked the taller boy "What does this have to do with why you brought us here? Why are you here?" Without looking Lauren in the eye, the boy replied "To apologise to my sister for leaving her" Lauren gave a sad smile
"I'm sorry but I don't think she's here"
"Lauren, you are my sister" Jonathan said, looking her in the eye for the very first time.

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