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Lauren ran out the library, she'd already been told that she belonged to another family and look how that turned out; she's not going to let this boy ruin her life.
After one last glare at the blonde, Max hurried after her "Lol, please slow down" he pleaded. She did not slow down. "Lauren" he whispered and she slowed down, allowing him to walk with her. She still wouldn't speak to him though "Lauren, I just want to talk to you"
She still didn't speak and Max gave up, seeing that she did not want to speak but didn't want to be on her own either. He walked through the institute silently with her.
They ended up in the training room, sitting on one of the soft crash matts in the corner. Deciding it was okay to speak now, Max grabbed both of Lauren's hands "I know it's a shock but maybe it's a good think that you've finally found your real family"

Lauren sighed "Maxy, I don't think you understand - I've already had people telling me I'm family when I'm not, this time I am not getting my hopes up, I know I'm an orphan and I've learnt to accept that""But surely everyone deserves a family, Lol...

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Lauren sighed "Maxy, I don't think you understand - I've already had people telling me I'm family when I'm not, this time I am not getting my hopes up, I know I'm an orphan and I've learnt to accept that"
"But surely everyone deserves a family, Lol"
"I don't think your understanding me Maxy" Lauren turned to him and squeezed his hands again "You are my family - you and Izzy, Jace, Alec, Magnus, Clary, Simon - your all my family weather you like it or not"

Lauren sighed "Maxy, I don't think you understand - I've already had people telling me I'm family when I'm not, this time I am not getting my hopes up, I know I'm an orphan and I've learnt to accept that""But surely everyone deserves a family, Lol...

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She smiled at him and he smiled back, pulling her into a tight hug. The two stayed like that for ages until Max pulled away, stood up and held a hand out for her "follow me"
"Just trust me"
"Ugh fine" Lauren laughed.

Meanwhile, there was major tension in the library. Jace was rocking backwards and forwards on the balls of his feet "Uh, I'm sure she'll be back - Max is really good at handling these situations" he said. But Jonathan's patience was wearing "I should go get her" he said finally. He was walking towards the door when a raven haired man pushed back into one of the armchairs "Oh no you don't, I'll do it" Jonathan looked into the guys blue eyes "And you are?" he said, "I'm Alec and I think that it would be best if I went to get Lauren"
"Your not her family, I am" Stated Jonathan. Alec crossed his arms and made a face.

"You're not her family" he said "We are, we've looked after her and taken her in

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"You're not her family" he said "We are, we've looked after her and taken her in. From the moment she turned up, I told myself that I was going to look after her no matter what" he turned to leave and before her shut the library door behind him he turned "and that's what I'm going to do now"
The door slammed shut, leaving Jonathan speechless and Jace smirking.

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