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Lauren skidded to a stop and kneeled by Alec.

Jace didn't look up as he was to busy drawing a healing rune on Alec's arm with his unusually shaky hands

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Jace didn't look up as he was to busy drawing a healing rune on Alec's arm with his unusually shaky hands.
Lauren took the chance to check what was wrong with Alec. As she looked him up and down, her heart broke for him. He had a gash from his shoulder to where his belt lay on his hips that was oozing with warm blood.
"Wha-What happened?" Jace didn't look up, "A greater demon" he stated. He then picked Alec up bridal style and turned to Lauren, "We need to get him to Magnus" Lauren nodded. Jace saw Abi in the distance where Lauren had left her, she had tears rolling down her cheeks and a hand covering her mouth. Jace looked Lauren in the eyes "Look after Abi" and he was gone, running towards Magnus's apartment.
Lauren numbly walked to Abi and tugged on her best friends arm "Abi, we need to go to the institute"
"What happened to Alec?"
"I'll explain on the way, let's go"
"-so Jace is taking him to Magnus now so Magnus can heal him or whatever" Lauren had explained the situation to Abi on the way back to the institute, they were just about to open the doors and go inside when Abi asked, "Are we aloud to tell the others?"
"What do you mean?"
"Should we tell Mum, Izzy, Simon and Max?"
"Well Jace didn't say not to"
The two girls gathered all the shadowhunters in the library and explained what happened, it was Izzy who reacted first, "WHAT!" She started stomping towards the door, "I can't believe he was stupid enough to go out without any weapons...or a glamor!" Izzy walked out of the library followed by Clary which left Max, Abi and Lauren in the library, Clary popped her head round the corner, "You guys stay here...we'll tell you if anything happens.
"So..." Said Abi, "I'm sure he'll be fine but...you wanna follow them?"
"Duh!" Said Lauren and Max.
The three ran to catch up with the others.

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