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As soon as Lauren walked into the library with Max Jonathan came rushing up to her "Listen, Lauren, I know it's a lot to take in seeming that you already thought that you found your real parents before this week"
"Yeah, I guess I have bad luck"
"Anyway, I just hope that we could get to know each other more"
"Sure! I've always wanted a sibling"
"What? What have I done now?"
"I want Spark"
"Who is Spa- oh the dog, sure you can have her" Jonathan rolled his eyes, Lauren hugged him and said "Thanks!"
Lauren then excused herself and started to walk to Abi's to explain her eventful afternoon.

The two of them went to taki's for lunch and then walked Spark around a local park. It was silent for a while until Abi cleared her throat "So, what are you going to say to your 'parents'?" Lauren sighed and turned to face her, "I honestly don't know, I was going to see if I could just 'run away' but then I thought that it might be a bit harsh on them so then I thought that I could go on holiday to 'another country and decide that I love it there so I'll stay" Abi stopped walking and just stared at Lauren with both eyebrows raised, "what?!" She laughed "it's just that I don't know why you don't just tell them, you know just to see if they know if not then just get Magnus to put a spell on them to think that you live somewhere else"
"Ok, I'll talk to Magnus later"
Once the two started walking again, Lauren looked at Abi sideways.

 "So about Jonathan" she smirked

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"So about Jonathan" she smirked. Abi coughed and turned bright red "um,,,yeah I was gonna tell you bu-"
"It's so cute!" Lauren screeched. Abi blushed, "well...I guess we are cute...this walk is quite boring, wanna go back to the institute and train?"
"Might as well"
When they got to the institute they both went to their rooms to change. Lauren's was still exactly the same as it was before she left to stay at Magnus' for awhile.
She got into her training wear, grabbing her water bottle on the way out she went to the training room to meet Abi.
When Lauren walked in, Abi was already practicing her flips. Watching her, Lauren felt like a baby. Not wanting to disrupt her or look bad compared to her, Lauren decided to go to the other side of the training room to see what Alec was doing. 
She walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder, making him jump "By the angel who is that?!" He shouted. Lauren laughed and turned himself round to face her "It's me, Lauren" he relaxed a bit "Oh...what are you practicing?" He asked.
"I have no idea, I don't even own a weapon, I was kinda hoping that you would help me choose like you know a weapon of choice"
"Weapon of choice?" He creed his eyebrows in confusion. Lauren laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, like Izzy has her whip and Jace has his sharp swords and blades and you have this" She pointed at the bow in his right hand

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"Yeah, like Izzy has her whip and Jace has his sharp swords and blades and you have this" She pointed at the bow in his right hand. Alec nodded slowly "oh...I get it now, ok so if I grab a sword, some blades, arrows and maybe even a whip"
"Omg thanks!" He walked of to gather all his demon-killing thingys.

Lauren was passing the time being Abi's personal cheerleader when Alec walked up to her holding various sharp objects.
Seeing his struggle, Lauren grabbed a few from on top of the pile and said "Where do I start?"
"Well" said Alec "We could start with a simple one, maybe a sword?"
"Sure" Lauren carefully placed the other weapons on the table, keeping the long sword in her hand.
Apparently, using a sword is harder than Lauren first anticipated. She swung it around and dropped it on her foot, almost beheading Alec in the process.
"Ok, I think we should move onto the whip?" Said Alec while he drew the healing rune on Lauren to help her foot, "yeah, um you might want to stand further back though" Lauren said. Alec laughed, "yeah, come on"
Lauren unraveled the whip and started swinging. Lauren was worse at using a whip than a sword, she almost caught the back of her legs multiple times as she tried to swing it round "ugh! I'm useless!" She cried. Alec took the whip out of her hand and replaced it with a few small blades, "I have a feeling that your going to love these" he said. It turned out that Alec was right, Lauren had a real knack of them.
After a while Alec went to practice his archery, Lauren always wanted to use a bow and arrow after she first saw the hunger games so She decided to tag-along.
Lauren walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to jump again "by the angel! You need to stop doing this to me!" Lauren giggled, "it's funny to see your reaction"
"Very funny", he went back to shooting his arrows really, really fast! Lauren tapped him again, "whatcha doing?"
"Shooting arrows"
"Can I?"
"Will you kill me?"
"No! I was pretty good when we were shooting eairlier"
"True..Go on" he handed Lauren his bow and an arrow. She attached the arrow, pulled back, aimed, and shot. She opened her eyes one at a time afraid she was going to see a very unhappy Alec, but it was the complete opposite, he was smiling. Lauren looked at the target and saw that she hit it, in the middle!
The two carried on having mini matches for the rest of the afternoon. It was the most fun Lauren had had in a long time.

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