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Alec walked through the whole institute twice before her found Lauren and Max. They were in the training room pretending to be some characters from some mundane show Lauren watches. Smiling to himself Alec knocked on the doorframe and walked in.
Both of them turned straight away, Max put his bow down gently while Lauren jumped and accidentally shot the ceiling "Alec!" She screeched "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see if you were okay" he smiled at Lauren, then sighed " I also came to bring you both back to the library" Max looked over towards Lauren who pouted "Can't we just have five more minutes? please"
"I don't know..."
"You can shoot with us, come on! you love shooting arrows" she wiggled her eyebrows "its your thing!"
"It is my thing?" Questioned Alec but after a few more moments he sighed "fine! just five minutes, ok?"

Back in the library, Jace was growing impatient. He turned to Jonathan who was sulking in the armchair.

"You stay here, do not touch anything or even think about touching anything because if you brake something then-""I know 'im soo dead' yes I get it now go get Lauren" Jonathan rolled his eyes and pointed to the door

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"You stay here, do not touch anything or even think about touching anything because if you brake something then-"
"I know 'im soo dead' yes I get it now go get Lauren" Jonathan rolled his eyes and pointed to the door.
Jace was just walking towards the kitchen when he heard Alec's voice come from the training room, "I won! I hit the target ten times! Looosserss!" Jace walked into the training room angry, his parabati has been played again by two teenagers.

Alec was just celebrating his victory when he noticed his parabati standing by the door with a frown on his face and his arms crossed against his chest. He turned to the younger shadow hunters behind him and whispered,"Its been more than five minutes hasn't it?"

"Don't be silly" said Lauren "It can have""Yeah" Whispered Max "It has""Ok, anyone wanna take one for the team""No, were good""Ok, well then I guess I've got this, you too go back to the library""Thanks Alec"

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"Don't be silly" said Lauren "It can have"
"Yeah" Whispered Max "It has"
"Ok, anyone wanna take one for the team"
"No, were good"
"Ok, well then I guess I've got this, you too go back to the library"
"Thanks Alec"

Jaces' left eyebrow arched up when the two young shadowhunters came jogging up to the door, he stopped them, "And where do you too think your going?"
"Alec said we could leave" said Lauren "He's 'taking one for the team'" Jace couldn't help but smile, Alec was always taking the blame for him and Izzy when they were younger. He sighed and moved out of their way "Ok, you too go back to the library now and I'll talk to Alec"
"Thanks Jace"

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